Profile: A. J. P. Scientific, Inc. is a provider of stains and reagents utilized by clinical laboratories, hospitals, doctor's offices and private clinics. We offer stains for use in hematology, urology, blood bank, microbiology, cytology/histology, and miscellaneous stains. We provide methanol fixatives, systain, traxstain, ethanol fixative 80%, H- pack and II stain packs, quick stain kits, stat-quick stain, manual method stain, dip stain kit, Giemsa stain and urinary sediments stains. The fetal-hemoglobin differential stain kit procedure is based on the resistance of fetal hemoglobin to acid conditions and the air-dried & fixed blood films are treated with a citric acid-phosphate buffer of low pH. Our eosinophil diluting fluid and stains are useful in determining an increase or decrease of eosinophilic granulocytes. We provide diluting fluids for counting RBCs, WBCs, platelets, CSF analysis and semen analysis.
FDA Registration Number: 2250039