Address: Hexi District, 8 Nujiang Rd, Tianjin 300220, China
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Phone: +86-(22)-834-3341
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~50
Quality: ISO 9002 Certified
Products: Hydrogel Dressing, Adhesive Strips & Patches, Skin Closure Adhesive Strips (FDA Code:
FPX), Self Adhesive Strips (FDA Code:
FPX), Latex Free Waterproof Adhesive Tape, Medical Adhesive Tape Removers, ...
M&C Specialties Bohai Coverting Co. Ltd. supplies medical tapes. We also specialize in die cutting, lamination and printing of pressure sensitive tapes.
Address: No.55 Yuejin Road, Zouqu Town, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213144, China
www.hualiandressing.com |
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Phone: +86-(519)-83638591
FDA Registration: 3003807757
Products: Tape, Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), Plaster Bandages, Elastic Bandages (FDA Code:
FQM), Medical Adhesive Tape Removers, Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster, ...
Changzhou Hualian Health Dressing Co.,Ltd. is engaged in the production of adhesive bandages, wound dressings and tapes. Our product line comprises of zinc oxide adhesive plaster, sports tape & and el
Address: 111 Great Pond Drive, Windsor 06095, Canada
www.scapana.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-542 9715
FDA Registration: 3009161313 Annual Revenues: USD 50-100 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Quality: ISO 9002 Certified
Products: Adhesive Cloth, Adhesive Strips & Patches, Tape, General Medical Supplies, Skin Closure Adhesive Strips (FDA Code:
FPX), Self Adhesive Strips (FDA Code:
FPX), ...
Scapa North America specializes in the production of pressure sensitive adhesive films and tapes. Our medical division supplies customized component materials and converted products to the global medi
Address: 411 Huronia Road, Unit 6, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9B3, Canada
www.trainerschoice.ca |
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Phone: +1-(705)-721-5138
FDA Registration: 3003469068
Products: Eye Care, Hot & Cold Therapy, Exercise Weights, Wound Care, Medicine Ball, Exercise Products, Hand Exercisers, ...
Trainer'S Choice Inc. deals with sports medicine products. Our products include braces, supports, exercise equipments, clinic supplies and first aid kits. Our first aid wound kit pads are a moist tran
Address: 300 Tartan Drive, London, Ontario N5V 3R6, Canada
solutions.3m.com |
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Phone: +1-(519)-451-2500, 888-364-3577
FDA Registration: 3009699611 Year Established: 1952
Employee Count: ~100
Products: Latex Free Waterproof Adhesive Tape, Medical Adhesive Tape Removers, Surgical Adhesive Tape, Medical Adhesive Tape, Elastic Adhesive Tape, Anti-Fog Surgical Mask with Adhesive Tape, ...
3m Canada Company manufactures abrasives, adhesives, packaging, floor care, and electrical connectors for maintenance and repair. Our product area includes diaplays & graphics, transportation industry
Address: 5425 Casgrain, Suite 300, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1X6, Canada
www.web-texinc.com |
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Phone: +1-(514)-273-5972
FDA Registration: 8043782 Year Established: 1985
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~50
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), Elastic Bandages (FDA Code:
FQM), Absorbent Cotton Wool, Elastic Ankle Support, First Aid Kits, Plastic Bandages, ...
Web-Tex, Inc. manufactures all types of medical & orthopedic bandages and surgical dressings. Some of our products are elastic bandages, gauze pads, stockinettes, and self-adherent bandages. Our Super
Address: C/o William Inglis, Suite 7, 9 Foamcrest Ave., Newport Beach, Sydney, New South Wales NSW 2106, Australia
www.enduratape.com |
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Phone: +61-(2)-9979-2199
Products: Tape, Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), Adhesive, Waterproof Tape, Adhesive Tape, ...
Endura-Tape Pty Limited distributes adhesive tapes. Our Endura sports-tape is designed to support joints under maximum stress. The Endura fix is a white hypoallergenic water repellent tape used under
Address: Paso 1432 - Ciudadela, Buenos Aires CP 1702, Argentina
Phone: +54-(11)-44880011
Products: Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), Medical Adhesive Tape, Hydrophilic Wound Dressings (FDA Code:
NAC), Adhesive Tape, ...
Riasa S.R.L. offers hydrophilic wound dressings, medical adhesive tapes and bandages.