 Multiple Instrument Centralizers Suppliers > Akriti Oculoplasty Logistics

Akriti Oculoplasty Logistics

Contact: Akash - Managing Partner
Address: 8-1-284/OU/232, OU Colony, Behind Kakitya School, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 008, India
Phone: +91-(40)-32443781 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Akriti Oculoplasty Logistics is an established Logistics Company in the field of Ophthalmology, surgical and non-surgical products. Our Optical product includes Frames Smart & Fun and Active Frames. We also offer a wide range of products that are useful in Cataract Surgery, General Ophthalmology and in Ophthalmology Diagnostics. We also offer Low Vision Aids and Oculoplasty Products.

Digital Refraction System
Our Reichert AP250 Auto Projector is a remote-controlled, programmable, random-access, high-resolution, ophthalmic projector. The AP250 fits into almost any refracting environment. Our Huvitz CDC-4000 Mirrored Chart is the future generation of visual acuity testing, overcoming the weakness of the chart projector. It provides accurate measurements by applying cutting-edge technology based in an ergonomic and compact design. The CLM-4000 is the newest addition to Huvitz product line and features a color LCD screen. It quickly and easily measures a wide variety of lens type including difficult progressive style lenses.

Glaucoma Surgery
Our Anterior chamber cannula is used to maintain or form anterior chamber and for irrigating the cornea during surgery. It is also used for the injection and removal of air, visco-elastic substances, & miotics. The dome shaped, extra smooth tip provides safe insertion through wound and manipulation within the eye. Our Glaucoma revision pick 60° is designed to perform a revision of a failed trabeculectomy. The beveled tip creates a sharp side-cutting edge, which can incise and perforate the fibriotic tissue using a sweeping motion and re-establish an aqueous flow.

Specialty Products
Our Bone Cutting saw comes with an electrical foot control pedal, an extra blade, and a detachable hand piece. This can be sterilized with an Autoclave. It is easy to use in maxillofacial surgeries and in orbital surgery. Our Silicon Oil Injector is used for controlled injection of the silicon oil into the eye with minimal effort.

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• Lang Stereotests
• Laryngo Fiberscope
• Laser Disposable Patient Eye Shields
• Laser Eye Shields
• Lensmeters
• Lensometer
• Liquid Polish
• Low Contrast Acuity Tests
• Low Vision Chart Set
• Low Vision devices
• Low Vision Random Dot E Depth Perception Test
• Lower Eyelid Spacer
• Luedde Exophthalmometer
• LVA Aspheric Spectacles
• LVA Prismatic Spectacles
• LVA Scope
• Manual Lensmeters
• Medical Diagnostic Equipment
• Medical Equipment Service, Electrosurgical Units
• Medical Equipment Service, Patient Monitoring Equipment
• Medical Exam Lights
• Medical Exam Lights and Lamps
• Medical Examination Lights
• Medical Grade Silicone Sheet
• Medical Strips, Adhesive
• Metal Infusion Cannula
• Metal Iris Die
• Metal Iris Units
• Metal Triming Burrs
• Micro J Shape Cannula
• Micro Thin Sheets
• Mobile Patient Monitors
• Multipurpose Examination lights
• Naugle Exophthalmometer
• Nd:YAG Laser Capsulotomy Systems
• Near Point Card
• Non Phaco Set
• Non-Penetrating Scerotomy
• Nonoptical Devices
• Nucleus Chopper
• Nucleus Expression Cannulas
• Nucleus Hydrodelineator
• Nucleus Rotators
• Nucleus Spatula
• Occluders
• Ophthalmic Diagnostic Sets
• Ophthalmic Surgery Knives

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