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Alliant Healthcare Products

Contact: Bob Taylor - CEO
Address: 8850 M89, Richland, Michigan 49083, USA
Phone: +1-(269)-629-0300, 888-307-1144 | Fax: +1-(269)-629-5770 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Alliant Healthcare Products designs, develops, manufactures and markets products for the healthcare market. We also provide custom assembly, packaging and manufacturing for acute care hospitals, government & original equipment (OEM) for private label customers. We focus on cardiovascular, general surgery, urologic devices markets and OEM customers. We offer suture guides, vein graft vessel cannulas, tubing organizers, Foley balloon catheter, oxygen catheter and twin nasal oxygen cannula. Our twin nasal oxygen cannula is made of medical grade PVC and is latex free. It has features such as cannula tip control by patients in accordance with the purposes, and wide open tips for large volume oxygen delivery. Our Foley balloon catheter is translucent with blue radiopaque line. It has three-way balloon retention catheters for continuous bladder irrigation and drainage at the same time. Its special plastic valve cap allows easy inflation of the balloon and fits all common slip luer syringes.

FDA Registration Number: 3004986960

32 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bulb Closed Wound Drainage Systems
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Accessories (FDA Code: KRI / 870.4200)
Cardiopulmonary bypass accessory equipment is a device that has no contact with blood and that is used in the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit to support, adjoin, or connect components, or to aid in the setup of the extracorporeal line, e.g., an oxygenator mounting bracket or system-priming equipment.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Blood Reservoir (FDA Code: DTN / 870.4400)
A cardiopulmonary bypass blood reservoir is a device used in conjunction with short-term extracorporeal circulation devices to hold a reserve supply of blood in the bypass circulation.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Defoamer (FDA Code: DTP / 870.4230)
A cardiopulmonary bypass defoamer is a device used in conjunction with an oxygenator during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery to remove gas bubbles from the blood.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Vascular Catheter (FDA Code: DWF / 870.4210)
A cardiopulmonary bypass vascular catheter, cannula, or tubing is a device used in cardiopulmonary surgery to cannulate the vessels, perfuse the coronary arteries, and to interconnect the catheters and cannulas with an oxygenator. The device includes accessory bypass equipment.
• Closed Wound Drainage Systems
• Foley Balloon Catheters
• Foley Catheter Insertion Kits
• Foley Catheter Insertion Trays
• Foley Catheters
• In-Line Retrograde Flow CPB Check Valve (FDA Code: MJJ / 870.4400)
• Ligature Carrier (FDA Code: GEJ / 878.4800)
A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892.
• Ligature Carrier Set (FDA Code: GEJ / 878.4800)
• Myocardial Temperature Probes
• Nasal Oxygen Catheters
• Nasopharyngeal Airways (FDA Code: BTQ / 868.5100)
A nasopharyngeal airway is a device used to aid breathing by means of a tube inserted into a patient's pharynx through the nose to provide a patent airway.
• Nephrostomy Balloon Catheter
• One-Way Vent Valves
• Pediatric Foley Catheters with Stylet
• Penrose Drainage Tubes
• Straight Thoracic Catheters
• Suction Catheter
• Sump Drain
• Suture Guides
• T-Drainage Tubes
• Temperature Sensing Foley Catheters
• Temperature Sensing Pediatric Foley Catheters
• Tubing Organizers
• Twin Nasal Oxygen Cannulas
• Universal Y Connectors
• Urinemeter Kits
• Vein Graft Vessel Cannula

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