Address: 13822 West Boulton Blvd, Mettawa, Illinois 60045, USA
www.shopmedvet.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-544-7521
Products: Scrubs, Needles, Esophageal Stethoscopes (FDA Code:
BZW), Disposable Syringes, Gauze, General Sutures/Needles, ...
Med-vet International is an online retailer of medical products. We focus on instruments, syringes & needles, surgical exam room supplies, vials, containers, anesthia products, laboratory equipment, s
Address: Chan Ragian Commissioner Rd, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.seveneightco.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-458 77 80
Products: Uterine Scoops, Mallets, Tissue Forceps, Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Self-Retaining Retractor Systems, Bone Holding Forceps, ...
Seven Eight & Co specializes in surgical instruments. Our products include surgical, electro surgical, anesthesia, diagnostics and dental instruments. We have forging, dies making, machine, fitting an
Address: 61,B Liaqat Ali Road S.I. Estate, P. O. Box # 663., Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.plycointl.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3555526
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Scissors, Dressing Forceps, ...
Plyco International is engaged in products distribution and supplying surgical & beauty care instruments. We have stainless steel instruments, anaesthesia equipments, forceps and cardiovascular surger
Address: Kulowal Road Kourpur, Mohallah Haji Abad, Sialkot, Pakistan
www.artsurgo.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-4261487
Products: Scalpels, Dressing Forceps, Stitch Scissors, Towel Clamps, Disposable Scalpels, Disposable Surgical scalpels, ...
Art Surgo is a manufacturer and exporter of surgical instruments, dental instruments, manicure, pedicure & fishing instruments. Our surgical instruments include scalpels, diagnostics, retractors, scis