Profile: Appasamy Associates specializes in ophthalmic instruments and equipments. Our ophthalmic products include instruments, equipment, micro surgical hand held instruments & surgical blades, intra ocular lenses, contact lens and contact lens supplies, pharmaceuticals, lasers, imaging systems, operating microscopes, chair and stand units, operating tables, motorized stool for surgeon, dental units and dental ultrasound scalars & colposcopes. We also have laser and binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, slit lamp, streak retinoscope and video indirect ophthalmoscope. We also supply contact lenses that include gas permeable, hard and soft lenses. Our manufacturing facilities are certified with ISO 9001:2000 quality systems.
FDA Registration Number: 3000200843
US Agent: Ragini Krishnan / Ellis Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc
Phone: +1-(718)-656-7390 Fax: +1-(718)-656-7394 E-Mail:
1 to 50 of 76 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers) Page: [1] 2
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• AC-Powered Automatic Perimeter (FDA Code: HPT / 886.1605) A perimeter is an AC-powered or manual device intended to determine the extent of the peripheral visual field of a patient. The device projects light on various points of a curved surface, and the patient indicates whether he or she sees the light. |
• AC-Powered Electronic Vision Aid (FDA Code: HPF / 886.5900) An electronic vision aid is an AC-powered or battery-powered device that consists of an electronic sensor/transducer intended for use by a patient who has impaired vision or blindness to translate visual images of objects into tactile or auditory signals. |
• AC-Powered Keratoscope (FDA Code: HLQ / 886.1350) A keratoscope is an AC-powered or battery-powered device intended to measure and evaluate the corneal curvature of the eye. Lines and circles within the keratoscope are used to observe the corneal reflex. This generic type of device includes the photokeratoscope which records corneal curvature by taking photographs of the cornea. |
• AC-Powered Lens Measurment Instrument (FDA Code: HLM / 886.1425) A lens measuring instrument is an AC-powered device intended to measure the power of lenses, prisms, and their centers (e.g., lensometer). |
• AC-Powered Ophthalmic Chair (FDA Code: HME / 886.1140) An ophthalmic chair is an AC-powered or manual device with adjustable positioning in which a patient is to sit or recline during ophthalmological examination or treatment. |
• Applanation Tonometers |
• Assisted Reproduction Microscope And Microscope Accessories (FDA Code: MTX / 884.6190) Assisted reproduction microscopes and microscope accessories (excluding microscope stage warmers, which are classified under assisted reproduction accessories) are optical instruments used to enlarge images of gametes or embryos. Variations of microscopes and accessories used for these purposes would include phase contrast microscopes, dissecting microscopes and inverted stage microscopes. |
• Automated Perimeter |
• B-Scan Devices |
• Battery-Powered Keratoscope (FDA Code: HLR / 886.1350) |
• Battery-Powered Retinoscope (FDA Code: HKM / 886.1780) A retinoscope is an AC-powered or battery-powered device intended to measure the refraction of the eye by illuminating the retina and noting the direction of movement of the light on the retinal surface and of the refraction by the eye of the emergent rays. |
• Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopes |
• Binocular Vision Training Fixation (FDA Code: NXR / 886.1290) A fixation device is an AC-powered device intended for use as a fixation target for the patient during ophthalmological examination. The patient directs his or her gaze so that the visual image of the object falls on the fovea centralis (the center of the macular retina of the eye.) |
• Biophotometer/Adaptometer (FDA Code: HJW / 886.1050) An adaptometer (biophotometer) is an AC-powered device that provides a stimulating light source which has various controlled intensities intended to measure the time required for retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) and the minimum light threshold. |
• Bipolar Cords |
• Bipolar Forceps |
• Bipolar Irrigating Coagulator |
• Bipolar Suction Coagulator |
• Color Vision Tester (FDA Code: HIT / 886.1170) A color vision tester is a device that consists of various colored materials, such as colored yarns or color vision plates (multicolored plates which patients with color vision deficiency would perceive as being of one color), intended to evaluate color vision. |
• Double Fixation Hook |
• Examination and Treatment Chair (FDA Code: FRK / 880.6140) A medical chair or table is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a chair or table without wheels and not electrically powered which, by reason of special shape or attachments, such as food trays or headrests, or special features such as a built-in raising and lowering mechanism or removable arms, is intended for use of blood donors, geriatric patients, or patients undergoing treatment or examination. |
• Forceps, Bipolar |
• General & Plastic Surgery Surgical Microscope (FDA Code: FSO / 878.4700) A surgical microscope and accessories is an AC-powered device intended for use during surgery to provide a magnified view of the surgical field. |
• Gynecology Instruments |
• Hydraulic Operation Table |
• Intraocular Lens Manipulators |
• Intraocular Scissors |
• Iris Hooks |
• Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope |
• Laser retinoscope |
• Lensometer |
• Light Microscope (FDA Code: IBJ / 864.3600) Microscopes and accessories are optical instruments used to enlarge images of specimens, preparations, and cultures for medical purposes. Variations of microscopes and accessories (through a change in the light source) used for medical purposes include the following: |
• Low-Vision Spectacle Microscope (FDA Code: HKC / 886.5540) A low-vision magnifier is a device that consists of a magnifying lens intended for use by a patient who has impaired vision. The device may be held in the hand or attached to spectacles. |
• Manual Non Powered Refractor with Phoropter (FDA Code: HKN / 886.1770) A manual refractor is a device that is a set of lenses of varous dioptric powers intended to measure the refractive error of the eye. |
• Manual Ophthalmic Chair (FDA Code: HMD / 886.1140) |
• Manual Ophthalmic Instrument Table (FDA Code: HRK / 886.4855) An ophthalmic instrument table is an AC-powered or manual device on which ophthalmic instruments are intended to be placed. |
• Manual Perimeter (FDA Code: HON / 886.1605) |
• Microscope Lamps (FDA Code: KEG / 864.3600) |
• Microscope Lamps (FDA Code: KEG / 864.3600) |
• Microscope Slides (FDA Code: KEW / 864.3010) Tissue processing equipment consists of devices used to prepare human tissue specimens for diagnostic histological examination by processing specimens through the various stages of decalcifying, infiltrating, sectioning, and mounting on microscope slides. |
• Microscope Slides (FDA Code: KEW / 864.3010) |
• Muscle Hook |
• Nd:YAG Endovenous Laser |
• Nd:YAG Laser Capsulotomy Systems |
• Nd:YAG Trabeculotomy and Capsulotomy |
• Non-Powered Ophthalmic Instrument Stand (FDA Code: HMG / 886.1860) An ophthalmic instrument stand is an AC-powered or nonpowered device intended to store ophthalmic instruments in a readily accessible position. |
• Operating Microscopes |
• Ophthalmic Aberrometer (FDA Code: NCF / 886.1760) An ophthalmic refractometer is an automatic AC-powered device that consists of a fixation system, a measurement and recording system, and an alignment system intended to measure the refractive power of the eye by measuring light reflexes from the retina. |
• Ophthalmic AC-Powered Fixation Device (FDA Code: HPL / 886.1290) |
• Ophthalmic AC-Powered Instrument Stand (FDA Code: HMF / 886.1860) |