 Autopsy System Suppliers > Arj Medical, Inc.

Arj Medical, Inc.

Contact: Aaron Behar
Address: 209 State Street, Oldsmar, Florida 34677, USA
Phone: +1-(813)-855-1557 | Fax: +1-(813)-854-2340 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Arj Medical, Inc. specializes in immunoassay tests for home and professional use. Our uri-test reagent strips provide tests for the semi - quantitative determination of glucose, bilirubin, ketone, specific gravity, blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, nitrites and leukocytes in human urine. Our Sure response pregnancy test strip is an immunoassay designed for the qualitative determination of the human chorionic gonadotropinin serum/urine for the early detection of pregnancy.

FDA Registration Number: 3004577174

16 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bilirubin and Conjugates Colorimetric Azo-Dyes Test (FDA Code: JJB / 862.1115)
A urinary bilirubin and its conjugates (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to measure the levels of bilirubin conjugates in urine. Measurements of urinary bilirubin and its conjugates (nonquantitative) are used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain liver diseases.
• Campylobacter Pylori (FDA Code: LYR / 866.3110)
• Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
• Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Test
• Immunoassay Systems
• Midstream Urine Test
• Non-Quantitative Urobilinogen Test (FDA Code: CDM / 862.1785)
A urinary urobilinogen (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to detect and estimate urobilinogen (a bile pigment degradation product of red cell hemoglobin) in urine. Estimations obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases and hemolytic (red cells) disorders.
• Occult Blood in Urine Test (FDA Code: JIO / 864.6550)
An occult blood test is a device used to detect occult blood in urine or feces. (Occult blood is blood present in such small quantities that it can be detected only by chemical tests of suspected material, or by microscopic or spectroscopic examination.)
• Pregnancy Test Kit
• Urinalysis Strips
• Urinary Enzymatic Method (FDA Code: JIL / 862.1340)
A urinary glucose (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to measure glucosuria (glucose in urine). Urinary glucose (nonquantitative) measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia.
• Urinary Ketones, Nitroprusside Test (FDA Code: JIN / 862.1435)
A ketones (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to identify ketones in urine and other body fluids. Identification of ketones is used in the diagnosis and treatment of acidosis (a condition characterized by abnormally high acidity of body fluids) or ketosis (a condition characterized by increased production of ketone bodies such as acetone) and for monitoring patients on ketogenic diets and patients with diabetes.
• Urinary Nitrite Colorimetric Test (FDA Code: JMT / 862.1510)
A nitrite (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to identify nitrite in urine. Nitrite identification is used in the diagnosis and treatment of uninary tract infection of bacterial origin.
• Urinary pH Dye Indicator (FDA Code: CEN / 862.1550)
A urinary pH (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to estimate the pH of urine. Estimations of pH are used to evaluate the acidity or alkalinity of urine as it relates to numerous renal and metabolic disorders and in the monitoring of patients with certain diets.
• Urinary Protein/Albumin Nonquantitative Test System (FDA Code: JIR / 862.1645)
A urinary protein or albumin (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to identify proteins or albumin in urine. Identification of urinary protein or albumin (nonquantitative) is used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease conditions such as renal or heart diseases or thyroid disorders, which are characterized by proteinuria or albuminuria.
• Urine Leukocyte Test (FDA Code: LJX / 864.7675)
A leukocyte peroxidase test is a device used to distinguish certain myeloid cells derived from the bone marrow, i.e., neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes, from lymphoid cells of the lymphatic system and erythroid cells of the red blood cell series on the basis of their peroxidase activity as evidenced by staining. The results of this test are used in the differential diagnosis of the leukemias.

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