
Becton, Dickson & Co.,

Address: One Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417, USA
Phone: +1-(201)-847.6800 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Becton, Dickinson & Co., manufactures and distributes a broad range of medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment and diagnostic products. Our product BD Soluvia™ is a prefillable microinjection system that is integrated with a tiny BD™ microneedle. It allows a drug or vaccine to be accurately delivered intradermally. This has proven to offer a simple, reliable delivery method. The dermal layer contains a dense network of lymphatic vessels feeding local lymph nodes, resulting in rapid & efficient therapeutic response. It also contains a high concentration of potent immune cells that play a key role to initiate the immune response following vaccination.

The company has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~1600 employees and is ISO 9000, CE certified. NYSE:BDX (SEC Filings)

FDA Registration Number: 1119779

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• Sedimentation Rate Tube (FDA Code: GHC / 864.6700)
An erythrocyte sedimentation rate test is a device that measures the length of time required for the red cells in a blood sample to fall a specified distance or a device that measures the degree of sedimentation taking place in a given length of time. An increased rate indicates tissue damage or inflammation.
• Selective and Differential Culture Media (FDA Code: JSI / 866.2360)
A selective culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify certain pathogenic microorganisms. The device contains one or more components that suppress the growth of certain microorganisms while either promoting or not affecting the growth of other microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.
• Selective and Non-Differential Culture Media (FDA Code: JSJ / 866.2360)
• Selective Broth Culture Media (FDA Code: JSD / 866.2360)
• Semen Analyzers
• Semi Automated Urine Chemistry Analyzer
• semiautomated Specular Microscopes
• Sensitivity Supplies
• Serum Separator Tubes
• Sharpes Container (FDA Code: MMK / 880.5570)
A hypodermic single lumen needle is a device intended to inject fluids into, or withdraw fluids from, parts of the body below the surface of the skin. The device consists of a metal tube that is sharpened at one end and at the other end joined to a female connector (hub) designed to mate with a male connector (nozzle) of a piston syringe or an intravascular administration set.
• Shigella Spp Antigen (FDA Code: LIA / 866.3660)
• Shigella Spp Antiserum (FDA Code: GNB / 866.3660)
• Short-Term Less Than 30 Days Therapeutic Intravascular Catheter (FDA Code: FOZ / 880.5200)
An intravascular catheter is a device that consists of a slender tube and any necessary connecting fittings and that is inserted into the patient's vascular system for short term use (less than 30 days) to sample blood, monitor blood pressure, or administer fluids intravenously. The device may be constructed of metal, rubber, plastic, or a combination of these materials.
• Single Biochemical Test Culture Media (FDA Code: JSF / 866.2320)
A differential culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify different types of pathogenic microorganisms. The identification of these microorganisms is accomplished by the addition of a specific biochemical component(s) to the medium. Microorganisms are identified by a visible change (e.g., a color change) in a specific biochemical component(s) which indicates that specific metabolic reactions have occurred. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease and also provide epidemiological information on diseases caused by these microorganisms.
• Single Buffer Microplate Washer
• Single Lumen Hypodermic Needle (FDA Code: FMI / 880.5570)
• Single Use Needle Tubing Adapter
• Single-Function Pre-Programmed Diagnostic Computer (FDA Code: DXG / 870.1435)
A single-function, preprogrammed diagnostic computer is a hard-wired computer that calculates a specific physiological or blood-flow parameter based on information obtained from one or more electrodes, transducers, or measuring devices.
• Sinus Trochars and Cannulae
• Skin Staplers & Removers
• Slide Stainers
• Small Inverted Microscope
• Smaller Hematology Analyzers
• Sodium Potassium Analyzers
• Software Programs
• Specialty Diagnostic Supplies
• Specimen Collection Device (FDA Code: LIO / 866.2900)
A microbiological specimen collection and transport device is a specimen collecting chamber intended for medical purposes to preserve the viability or integrity of microorganisms in specimens during storage of specimens after their collection and during their transport from the collecting area to the laboratory. The device may be labeled or otherwise represented as sterile. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
• Specimen Collection Swabs
• Specimen Tubes
• Sphygmomanometer Aids
• Spinal & Anesthetic Needles & Trays
• Spinal Anesthesia Needle
• Stain Sets & Solutions
• Staphylococcus Aureus Protein A Insoluble (FDA Code: LHJ / 866.3700)
• Staphylococcus Aureus Screening Kit (FDA Code: JWX / 866.2660)
A microorganism differentiation and identification device is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of one or more components, such as differential culture media, biochemical reagents, and paper discs or paper strips impregnated with test reagents, that are usually contained in individual compartments and used to differentiate and identify selected microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease.
• Stereozoom Fluorescent Microscopes
• Sterile Barrier Pipette Tips
• Sterile Non-Barrier Pipette Tips
• Sterile Specimen Container (FDA Code: FMH / 864.3250)
A specimen transport and storage container, which may be empty or prefilled, is a device intended to contain biological specimens, body waste, or body exudate during storage and transport in order that the matter contained therein can be destroyed or used effectively for diagnostic examination. If prefilled, the device contains a fixative solution or other general purpose reagent to preserve the condition of a biological specimen added to the container. This section does not apply to specimen transport and storage containers that are intended for use as part of an over-the-counter test sample collection system for drugs of abuse testing.
• Sterile Specimen Mailer and Storage Container (FDA Code: KDT / 864.3250)
• Sterile Surgical Drapes (FDA Code: KKX / 878.4370)
A surgical drape and drape accessories is a device made of natural or synthetic materials intended to be used as a protective patient covering, such as to isolate a site of surgical incision from microbial and other contamination. The device includes a plastic wound protector that may adhere to the skin around a surgical incision or be placed in a wound to cover its exposed edges, and a latex drape with a self-retaining finger cot that is intended to allow repeated insertion of the surgeon's finger into the rectum during performance of a transurethral prostatectomy.
• Sterilization Wrap (FDA Code: FRG / 880.6850)
A sterilization wrap (pack, sterilization wrapper, bag, or accessories, is a device intended to be used to enclose another medical device that is to be sterilized by a health care provider. It is intended to allow sterilization of the enclosed medical device and also to maintain sterility of the enclosed device until used.
• Stone Manipulation, Stone Extractors
• Stopcock, I.V.Set (FDA Code: FMG / 880.5440)
An intravascular administration set is a device used to administer fluids from a container to a patient's vascular system through a needle or catheter inserted into a vein. The device may include the needle or catheter, tubing, a flow regulator, a drip chamber, an infusion line filter, an I.V. set stopcock, fluid delivery tubing, connectors between parts of the set, a side tube with a cap to serve as an injection site, and a hollow spike to penetrate and connect the tubing to an I.V. bag or other infusion fluid container.
• Streptococcus Pneumoniae Antisera (FDA Code: GWC / 866.3740)
• Streptococcus Spp Antigen (FDA Code: GTY / 866.3740)
• Streptococcus Spp Antiserum (FDA Code: GTZ / 866.3740)
• Streptococcus Spp Groups Fluorescent Antiserum (FDA Code: GTX / 866.3740)
• Streptolysin O (FDA Code: IBA / 864.4400)
Enzyme preparations are products that are used in the histopathology laboratory for the following purposes:
• Streptolysin O/Antistreptolysin-Titer Reagent

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