 Sphygmomanometer Accessories, Rubber Bulbs Suppliers > Beijing Daxiang New Material & Technology Co.

Beijing Daxiang New Material & Technology Co.

Address: 6/F No.22 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100036, China
Phone: +86-(10)-68719302/68719303 | Fax: +86-(10)-68372489_@ | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Beijing Daxiang New Material & Technology Co. produces medical rehabilitation products, cosmetic materials, environmental protection products, energy saving products and exercise equipments. We offer water saving device and necktraction fixer. We supply Neo Health 9000, which generates high voltage potential difference to make an indirect effect on a human body. Our neck traction fixer is used to prevent & treat cervical spondylopathy, alleviating the fatigue in neck area and can auxiliary cure the discomfort caused by vertebra disease.

8 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Air Neck Traction Support
• Cosmetic Materials
• Environmental Protection Products
• Medical Rehabilitation Products
• Necktraction Fixer
• Non-Powered Traction Apparatus (FDA Code: HST / 888.5850)
A nonpowered orthopedic traction apparatus is a device that consists of a rigid frame with nonpowered traction accessories, such as cords, pulleys, or weights, and that is intended to apply a therapeutic pulling force to the skeletal system.
• Rehabilitation Aids
• Water-Saving Device

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