Profile: Bibbero Systems, Inc. specializes in offering filing systems. Our products include manila file folders, end tab folders, color file folders, classification folders, pocket folders, blank & printed medical chart dividers, side & bottom tab index dividers, file backs, indexes, custom dividers, and custom printed folders. We also provide medical records, charts & patient records, office organizing supplies, stationery & envelopes, telephone message books, prescription blanks & RX pads, year labels, file cabinets, and CMS forms. Our hand sanitizers are bio-based and promote better hand hygiene. Our antibacterial foaming hand soaps are naturally scented, contain no toxic chemicals and are safe for sensitive skin. Our hospital rated germicidal deodorizing cleanser disinfects office surfaces, equipment and non-critical instruments. It can be used on floors, tables, wall, chairs, and other non-porous surfaces. It is a broad spectrum disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal, tuberculocidal, pseudomonal, fungicidal and mildewstatic. Our spray air freshener is made from pure, concentrated citrus extracts. It is environmentally safe, non-toxic, organic and biodegradable, this air freshener can be used safely around asthmatics, respiratory patients & allergy sensitive individuals. Our solid air freshener, having a unique activated charcoal formula, absorbs odors fast. Effective in areas up to 350 square feet, this freshener can last for up to six to eight weeks.
The company was founded in 1953, has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~130 employees.