Address: 2112 Rutland Drive Suite 180, Austin, Texas 78758, USA
www.nuclearconcepts.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-575-3388
Products: SPECT Imaging Isotopes, Digital Mammography Systems, SPECT Imaging Systems, Cardiovasculars, Computed Tomography, CRT Monitors, ...
Nuclear Concepts, Inc. offers parts & servicing for different OEMs of gamma cameras and X-ray devices.
Address: 1716 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 800, Bryan, Texas 77802, USA
www.intellamed.com |
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Phone: +1-(979)-260-8966
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Defibrillators, Batteries, Laboratory Equipment, Autoclaves, Surgical Equipment, ...
Intellamed Inc. renders comprehensive healthcare equipment services. We deliver services for the procurement of new and used medical equipment. We supply a wide range of corrective and preventive serv
Address: 4315 Ironton Ave, Lubbock, Texas 79407, USA
www.spbs.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-7132396
Products: Defibrillators, Batteries, Laboratory Equipment, Autoclaves, Surgical Equipment, Clinical Microscopes, ...
South Plains Biomedical Inc. specializes in the service and sale of refurbished medical equipment. We provide medical equipment repair and maintenance services. We offer programs that inspect medical
Address: 965 West 325 North, Lindon, Utah 84042, USA
www.transamericanmedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(801)-796-7335, 800-865-8195
FDA Registration: 1058541
Products: Contract Manufacturers, Equipment Rentals, Diagnostic Angiography, Digital Mammography Systems, Cardiovasculars, Computed Tomography, ...
Transamerican Medical Imaging Equipment, Inc. supplies CT, MRI, ultrasound and mammography parts & systems. We are a service provider for parts, pre-owned systems, upgrade kits for CT, cardiology, ang
Address: 6526 South Cottonwood Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84107, USA
www.maxtecinc.com |
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Phone: +1-(801)-2665300, 800-748-5355
FDA Registration: 1722070 Year Established: 1991
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~40
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Oximetry, Cardiovasculars, Oxygen, Oxygen Aids, Pulse Oximeters, ...
Maxtec Inc. deals with oxygen analysis and delivery. We develop analyzers/monitors, oxygen sensor, finger sensor, pneumatic ventilator, patent pending and monitor. We offer a complete line of analyzer
Address: 1 Riverside Circle, Suite 400, Roanoke, Virginia 24060, USA
www.lunainnovations.com |
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Phone: +1-(540)-769-8400
Products: Hemostatic Agents, Cardiovascular Systems, Cardiopulmonary Bypass Bubble Detector (FDA Code:
KRL), Antimicrobial Bone Graft Substitutes, Tissue Adhesives, ...
Luna Innovations Incorporated develops and manufactures products for the healthcare market. Our products are used to measure, monitor, protect and improve critical processes in the markets. We offer f
Address: 2310 130th Ave. NE, Suite B-200, Bellevue, Washington 98005, USA
www.morsemedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(425)-284-7070
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Defibrillators, Consulting Services, Batteries, Laboratory Equipment, Autoclaves, ...
Morse Medical, Inc. provides services such as clinical technology maintenance and management. We deal with field service, integrated technology management, asset management and clinical technology con
Address: 3915 152nd St. NE, Marysville, Washington 98271, USA
www.worldmedicalequip.com |
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Phone: +1-(360)-657-7900, 800-827-3747
Year Established: 1992
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Defibrillators, Autoclaves, Used & Refurbished Equipment, Surgical Equipment, Endoscopes, ...
World Medical Equipment, Inc. provides new & refurbished medical equipment & parts to hospitals, surgery centers, and related facilities. We offer many brands of refurbished surgical tables, lights, s
Address: 781 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Morgantown, West Virginia 26505, USA
www.mylan.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-7969562
FDA Registration: 1110315 Year Established: 1961
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~50
Quality: ISO 9000, CE Certified
Products: Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Irrigating Solutions, Microscope Filter Sets, Acne Treatments, Analgesics, Analgesics, ...
Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. manufactures prescription medicines specializing in producing & marketing generic pharmaceuticals. We deal with products for conditions ranging from angina to arthritis, dep
Address: 755 Main Street, Belgium, Wisconsin 53004, USA
www.biomedicalsolutions.com |
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Phone: +1-(877)-6686609
Products: Defibrillators, Laboratory Equipment, Autoclaves, Dry Heat Sterilizers (FDA Code:
KMH), Laboratory Sterilizers, Surgical Equipment, ...
BioMedical Solutions Inc. provides medical equipment solutions. Our service line includes medical equipment service, technology management programs, microscope service and audiometer services. Our pro
Address: W239 N2890 Pewaukee Rd Unit E, Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072, USA
www.deltamedicalsystems.com |
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Phone: +1-(262)-523-2300
FDA Registration: 1051820
Products: Generators, Diagnostic Angiography, Digital Mammography Systems, Cardiovasculars, Computed Tomography, Angiography Procedure Kits, ...
Delta Medical Systems, Inc. supplies diagnostic medical imaging equipment. We provide diagnostic imaging products for various modalities like women's health, general radiology, cardiology, angiography
Address: F5f, 105 Tung Hwa North Road, Taipei 105, Taiwan
www.fbc.com.tw |
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Phone: +886-(2)-271-22211
FDA Registration: 3007699035
Products: PCR Units (Quantitative), Epstein-Barr Virus Test Kits, Cardiovascular Systems, Diagnostic Test Kits, Skin Care Products, Biomedical Devices, ...
Formosa Biomedical Technology Corporation manufactures automatic digital blood pressure monitor. Our product line comprises of point of care, over-the-counter, immune-diagnostics, clinical biochemical
Address: 200 Rafael Cordero Ave, PMB 280, Suite 140, Caguas, PR 00726, Puerto Rico
www.biomedtechpr.com |
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Phone: +1-(787)-5863700
Year Established: 1999
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Products: Defibrillators, Consulting Services, Batteries, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), Cardiovasculars, Replacement Bulbs, ...
Biomedtech of PR is a distributor of cardiology defibrillators, digital analyzers and endoscopy, electroencephalography, spirometers, ventilators, electrosurgery machines, and biomedical safety test p
Address: #2 Amorsolo St Legaspi Village, Makati 1229, Philippines
www.makatimed.rxpinoy.com |
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Phone: +1-(632)-8888 999
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Defibrillators, Batteries, Laboratory Equipment, Autoclaves, Surgical Equipment, ...
Makati Medical Center focuses on medical professionals. We offer medical center health programs that include tropical disease foundation and out patient department charity programs. Our medical servic
Address: Mohallah Loharan Ugoki, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.boironintl.com |
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Phone: +92-(345)-6713055
Quality: ISO-9001, ISO-9002 and CE Mark Certified
Products: Laryngoscopes, Mallets, Diagnostic Instruments, Bone Mallets (FDA Code:
HXL), Standard Laryngoscopes, Disposable Laryngoscopes, ...
Boiron International specializes in the manufacture and export of surgical & dental instruments. We offer surgical instruments for anesthesia, bone surgery, cardiovascular, dermatology, diagnostic, gy
Address: 9-11, Osachikohagi 2cho-me, Okaya, Nagano 394-0085, Japan
www.osachi.jp |
Phone: +81-(266)-28086
FDA Registration: 8043882 Quality: ISO 13485:2003 Certified
Products: Cardiovascular Systems, Cardiovascular Surgical Instrument (FDA Code:
DWS), Blood Pressure Computer (FDA Code:
DSK), Non-Invasive Blood-Pressure Measurement System (FDA Code:
DXN), Vibration Threshold Measurement Device (FDA Code:
LLN), ...
Osachi Co., Ltd. is a provider of blood pressure monitor and cardiovascular dynamics screening system. Our CardioVision® MS-2000 is a powerful blood pressure monitor with the ability to determine
Address: Via G. Rossa, 35, Ponte S. Nicolo 35020, Italy
www.microlabitalia.it |
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Phone: +39-(49)-8968179
FDA Registration: 3007708502
Products: Cardiovasculars, Advanced Portable CW Dopplers, Cardiovascular Systems, Neurology Devices, Neurology Instruments, Diagnostic Systems, ...
Microlab Elettronica deals with diagnostic cardiovascular system. Our product line comprises of Picopress, Dan test, Angioflow, Termoflow and telemetry systems. The Picopress is used to measure pressu
Address: Strada Rivoltana Nuova 53, Vignate, Milan I-20060, Italy
www.etmed.biz |
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Phone: +39-(02)-95-05-18-1
Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~50
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Defibrillator Testers (FDA Code:
DRL), Ventricular Assist Devices, Cardiovasculars, Treadmill Ergometers, Diagnostic Devices, Diagnostic Instruments, ...
et medical devices SpA specializes in stress testing. Cardiette® and Cardioline® are our brand names.
Address: Parkmore Business Park West, Galway, Ireland
www.contechireland.com |
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Phone: +353-(91)-770777
Products: Angioplasty Supply, Guidewires, Catheters, Blister Protection, Balloon Catheters, Cardiovascular Systems, ...
Contech Medical International, Ltd. is an OEM sub-contract manufacturer servicing the medical device industry. We offer OEM medical device assembly & packaging, winged infusion and straight needle set
Address: Suite 230, 16-1375 Southdown Road, Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2Z1, Canada
www.criticalcaremedicalequipment.com |
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Phone: +1-(905)-274-9902
Products: Fetal Monitors, Patient Monitoring Systems, Vital Sign Monitors, ECG Machine, Cardiovascular Systems, EKG Monitor, ...
Critical Care Medical Equipment is a supplier of used and refurbished medical equipment like ultrasound machines, ECG & EKG systems, patient monitors, prenatal heart monitors, vital signs monitors and