Address: 3807 E. Cathedral Roack Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85044, USA
www.azream.us |
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Phone: +1-(602)-481-8265
Year Established: 2006
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Products: Blood Pressure Measuring Equipment, Disposable Examination Gloves, Ophthalmoscopes, Tonometers, Laryngoscopes, Face Masks, ...
AZReam, Inc. distributes high quality medical & surgical products both for professionals and home healthcare. Our product line includes reusable BP cuffs, portable aneroid gauges, stethoscopes and par
Address: P.O. Box 150624, San Rafael, California 94915, USA
www.preferredproduct.com |
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Phone: +1-(415)-499-3544, 800- 445-3544
FDA Registration: 2950710
Products: Batteries, Otoscopes, Stethoscopes, Dry Heat Sterilizers (FDA Code:
KMH), Laboratory Sterilizers, Suction Tubes, ...
Preferred Products specializes in hotchkiss otoscope and other fine medical instruments. Our products cover a wide range of instruments for otolaryngology, head & neck surgery, rhinoplastic surgery, a
Address: 830 Sunshine Lane, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714, USA
www.precisionweb.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-327-4792
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Batteries, Otoscopes, Laboratory Equipment, Earmolds for Stethoscopes, Ear & Hearing Protection, General Diagnostic Supplies, ...
Precision Laboratories markets custom earmolds, hearing protection, monitor earphones and communications. Skeleton-style earpieces are designed for two-way radio operators as a nearly invisible way to
Address: 6425 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344, USA
www.hearing-aid.com |
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Phone: +1-(952)-995 8800
Products: Batteries, Otoscopes, Laboratory Equipment, Earmolds for Stethoscopes, Ear & Hearing Protection, Customized Stethoscope Earmolds, ...
Micro-Tech Hearing Instruments is a developer & manufacturer of hearing instruments. We offer Impulse technology™ to the hearing instruments which provide better listening experience. Our produc
Address: PO Box 43200, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55443-0200, USA
www.medicalartspress.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-328-2179
Year Established: 1950
Employee Count: ~600
Products: Otoscopes, Stethoscopes, X-Ray Aids, Blood Collect Tubes, Headrest Cover Rolls & Sheets, Labels & Signs, ...
Medical Arts Press offers a full selection of printing and office products. We focus on medical, dental, podiatry, eye care and chiropractic fields. Our prima child's stackable chair (10-in. H) is a l
Address: 163 3 Rd. St., Tracy, Minnesota 56175, USA
www.secondwindcpap.com |
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Phone: +1-(507)-629-8232
Products: Pulse Oximeters, Cleaners, Respiratory Products, CPAP Units, Deodorizers, Positive Airway Pressure Therapy (CPAP) Systems, CPAP Machines, ...
SecondWindCPAP.com specializes in offering factory refurbished & used CPAP and BIPAP machines. All used CPAP & BIPAP machines are internally & externally cleaned, and tested prior to sale using the sa
Address: 577 Elm Street, PO Box 607, Kearny, New Jersey 07032-0607, USA
www.lrultrasonics.com |
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Phone: +1-(201)-991-5330
FDA Registration: 2244004 Year Established: 1930
Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~150
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Laboratory Equipment, Sterilizing Aids, Disinfect & Cleaning Solution, Enzymatic Detergents, General Medical Supplies, General Surgical Instruments, ...
L&R Manufacturing Company is a global supplier of ultrasonic cleaners and cleaning solutions. Our ultra cleaning solutions include dental cleaning solutions, jewelry cleaning solutions, watch cleaning
Address: 1889-97 Route 9, Toms River, New Jersey 08755, USA
miscpaper.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-524-1155
Year Established: 1983
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Products: Blood Gas Analyzers, Urine Chemistry Analyzers, Urodynamics Systems, General Diagnostic Equipment, Blood Pressure Monitors, ECG Paper, ...
MISC Inc. specializes in the production of recording chart paper for various medical diagnostic areas. We also provide instrument-related disposable items. Our product areas include audiometry, blood
Address: 12111 W Markham, Suite 360, Little Rock, Arkansas 72211, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-848 2289
Products: Batteries, Earmolds for Stethoscopes, Ear & Hearing Protection, Customized Stethoscope Earmolds, Video Otoscopes, OSHA Compliant, Hearing Protection Kits, ...
Statco Hearing Laboratory specializes in custom-built hearing instruments. Our products include batteries, battery testing equipment, cleaners, diagnostic tests, earmolds, vestibular testing and video
Address: , Chatsworth, California 91311, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-423-5777
Products: Batteries, Otoscopes, Stethoscopes, Dry Heat Sterilizers (FDA Code:
KMH), Laboratory Sterilizers, Earmolds for Stethoscopes, ...
M & S Enterprises is a distributor of hearing aids, tools, acoustic dampers and batteries.
Address: 21628 Lassen St, Chatsworth, California 91311, USA
Phone: +1-(818)-341-7464
Products: Batteries, Otoscopes, Stethoscopes, Earmolds for Stethoscopes, Ear & Hearing Protection, Customized Stethoscope Earmolds, ...
OTO Products Inc is a manufacturer of hearing aids.
Address: 5568 Schaefer Ave., Chino, California 91710, USA
www.genlabscorp.com |
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Phone: +1-(909)-591-8451
Year Established: 1973
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Employee Count: ~110
Products: Bathroom Cleaners, Cleaners, Deodorizers, Disinfectants, Germicidal Solution, Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant, ...
Genlabs is a full service chemical blending and packaging company. Our Strike Bac Step One disinfectant has been formulated to aid in the reduction of cross contamination in hospitals. This effective
Address: 4242 South Broadway, Englewood, Colorado 80113, USA
www.adcohearing.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-7260851
Products: Otoscopes, Stethoscopes, Dry Heat Sterilizers (FDA Code:
KMH), Laboratory Sterilizers, Earmolds for Stethoscopes, Ear & Hearing Protection, ...
ADCO Hearing Products Inc offers personal amplifier systems, TV listening systems and amplified telephones. Our pocketalker ultra amplifies sounds closest to the listener while reducing background noi
Address: 133 Commerce St., East Berlin, Connecticut 6023, USA
www.liberty-ind.com |
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Phone: +1-(860)-828-6361, 800-828-5656
Year Established: 1953
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~30
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Stools, Glove Boxes, Modular Cleanrooms, Inert Gas Glove Boxes, Modular Cleanroom System, Dry/Lock Storage Cabinet, ...
Liberty Industries, Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of top quality cleanroom & contamination control supplies & accessories. We provide cleanroom products and design build solutions for many ap
Address: 100 Water St, Guilford, Connecticut 06437, USA
www.audiometerlink.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-544-1110
Products: Ear & Hearing Protection, OSHA Compliant, Hearing Protection Kits, Audiometers (FDA Code:
EWO), Laboratory Repair Service, ENT Computer Software, Impedance Testing Systems, ...
Lipin/dietz Assoc Inc offers a wide selection of audiometers, specifically designed to meet customer needs.
Address: 530 E. Hillcrest Street, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701, USA
www.bestcomputes.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-435 9583
Products: Laboratory Equipment, Vacuum Systems, Central Vacuum Systems, Laboratory Equipment, Incubator Chambers, Laboratory Repair Service, Cleaners, ...
Best Computes specializes in hearing aid cleaning. We offer digital hearing amplifier. Our hearing aid cleaning offer MARK™ which has an operational aspirator kit for cleaning the ears. It has v
Address: P.O. Box 877, Casselberry, Florida 32718, USA
www.audina.net |
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Phone: +1-(800)-2237700
FDA Registration: 1052698 Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Employee Count: ~50
Products: Ear & Hearing Protection, Digital Hearing Aids, Hearing Aids, BTE Hearing Aids, Canal Hearing Aids, Micro Ear Hearing Aids, ...
Audinar Hearing Instruments, Inc. offers comprehensive product for hearing loss needs. We are an ISO 9001 certified company and have acquired 13485 CE-mark for our products. Our hearing instruments gi
Address: 4470 S.W. 74th Ave., Miami, Florida 33155, USA
www.callbpi.com |
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Phone: +1-(305)-264-4465, 800-327-2250
FDA Registration: 3013992222 Year Established: 1971
Employee Count: ~40
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Laboratory Equipment, Towels, Lab Aprons, Lab Equipment, Towels & Wipes, Cleaners, ...
Brain Power, Inc. supplies laboratory equipments Our products include mini tanks, solar color, turbo tinters, gradients, lens displays, lens holders, photometers, spectrometers, ultrasonic, frame warm
Address: 413 Virginia Drive, Orlando, Florida 32803, USA
www.tub-master.com |
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Phone: +1-(407)-314-2176, 800-833-0260
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Bath Accessories, Bathroom accessories, Cleaners, ...
TUB Master Lc offers folding shower seats, wheelchair roll in showers, safety grab bars, folding shower doors and barrier free shower bases.
Address: 6251 44th St N, Suite 109, Pinellas Park, Florida 33781, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-5536003
Products: Vacuum Systems, Central Vacuum Systems, Hearing Battery Accessories, Wax Guard Kits, Hearing Kit Accessories, Acoustic Damping Systems, ...
Hearing Technologies International Inc is a distributor of injection molded miniature cleaning tools. Our product is designed for cleaning hearing aids. Our power-vac suction motor helps remove harmfu