Address: 805 Marathon Pkwy, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045, USA
www.stradismed.com |
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Phone: +1-(770)-962-2425, (800)-886-7257
FDA Registration: 1055754
Products: Blades, Trephines, Intraocular Lens Manipulators, Implant Knives, Slit Knives, Medical Blades, ...
Stradis Healthcare, LLC is a global provider and manufacturer, specializing in custom surgical procedure packs & disposable surgical supplies. We also supply a wide variety of contract packaging servi
Address: 111 Chestnut St., Mohnton, Pennsylvania 19540, USA
www.unique-tech-inc.com |
Phone: +1-(610)-775-9191
FDA Registration: 2531324
Products: Stab Blades, Microsurgical Knives, Implant Knives, Slit Knives, Cataract Blade, Stab Incision Blades, ...
Unique Technologies, Inc. manufactures and distributes an array of precision micro-surgical cutting instruments. Our UniqueEdge® offers a range of designs that are perfectly suited to the needs of
Address: 8-1-284/OU/232, OU Colony, Behind Kakitya School, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500 008, India
www.akriti.co.in |
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Phone: +91-(40)-32443781
Products: Fetal Monitors, Speculums, Ophthalmoscopes, Hand Held Rotary Prisms, Press-On Prisms, Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), ...
Akriti Oculoplasty Logistics is an established Logistics Company in the field of Ophthalmology, surgical and non-surgical products. Our Optical product includes Frames Smart & Fun and Active Frames. W
Digital Refraction System |
Glaucoma Surgery |
Specialty Products
Address: Nishat Park, Paris Road, Sialkot, Pakistan
www.daudjeemfg.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-4270818
FDA Registration: 3009465247
Products: Speculums, Scissors, Fixation Rings, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Trephine Blades, Punches, ...
Daud Jee MFG. Co. specializes in producing surgical instruments. We offer a wide range of IE, surgical, ophthalmic, dental, orthopedic and cardiovascular surgery instruments. Our product line includes