Address: 4400 Silver Avenue SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108, USA
www.richmondproducts.com |
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Phone: +1-(505)-275-2406
Products: Hand Held Rotary Prisms, Press-On Prisms, Individual Prisms, Occluders, Prism Bars, Maddox Rods, ...
Richmond Products, Inc. produces screening tests & accessories for ophthalmologists and optometrists. Our product includes aniseikonia, phoropter, chin rest, occluders, prisms, novelty, trial frames,
Address: 10-29 Miyanishi-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo 662-0976, Japan
www.konan.com |
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Phone: +81-(0798)-36-3455
FDA Registration: 9680854
Products: Computerized Corneal Analysis Systems, Operating Microscopes, Specular Microscopes (FDA Code:
NQE), Color Testing, Hardy Rand Rittlers, Non -Contact Specular Microscope, Clinical Specular Microscopes (FDA Code:
NQE), ...
Konan Medical Inc. provides specular microscopes, operation microscopes, eye bank kerato analyzers and automatic marking systems. Our eye bank specular microscope EKA-98 has a built-in high resolution