Address: 47651 Westinghouse Dr., Fremont, California 94539, USA
usa.nidek.com |
Phone: +1-(510)-226-5700, 800-223-9044
FDA Registration: 2936921
Products: Exophthalmometers (FDA Code:
HLS), Visual Acuity Charts (FDA Code:
HOX), Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), Excimer Laser Systems, Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopes, Green photocoagulator Laser, ...
Nidek, Inc. offers a wide array of equipment designed for the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases, glaucoma, and other vision-impairing afflictions. Our compact and reliable GYC-1000, solid-st
Address: 3rd Floor, Zhiye Building, Great Wall Innovative Science Park, #323 Minzu Avenue,East Lake Hi-Tech D, Wuhan, Hubei 430223, China
www.pioon.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +86-(27)-81783685
Products: C02 Lasers, Cosmetic Lasers, Cosmetic Lasers, Contact/non contact mode, CO2 Laser System, Carbon Dioxide (C02) Lasers, Advanced Excimer Lasers, ...
Pioon Laser is a full service medical device design and manufacturing firm specializing in laser technology for the medical market. Mercury smart laser system is the modern design up to 15 Watts laser