
Convaquip Industries Inc

Address: PO Box 3417, Abilene, Texas 79604, USA
Phone: +1-(325)-677-4171/800-637-8436 | Fax: +1-(325)-677-7217 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Convaquip Industries Inc products include bathseats, beds, canes, chairs, commodes - bedside, commodes-drop arm, crutches, econoline, gurney/stretcher, hygiene, lifts, linens, mattresses, safety rollers, scales, scooter, shower stools, step stools, toileting, transport shower chairs, trapeze, tub transfer benches, walkers, wheelchairs - manual, wheelchairs - power. We also offer scooter for bariatric XT-550 which has a triple reinforced seat frame, reinforced seat post, & reinforced non-skid front fender footrests.

The company was founded in 1974, has revenues of USD 1-5 Million and is CE certified.

FDA Registration Number: 1629847

1 to 50 of 157 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 3 4 >> Next 50 Results
• Ac-Powered Patient Lifts (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and slings to support the patient.
• Adjustable Home-Use Therapeutic Bed (FDA Code: LLI / 880.5100)
An AC-powered adjustable hospital bed is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a bed with a built-in electric motor and remote controls that can be operated by the patient to adjust the height and surface contour of the bed. The device includes movable and latchable side rails.
• Adjustable Hospital AC-Powered Beds (FDA Code: FNL / 880.5100)
• Adult Bathing Commodes
• Adult Crutches
• Adult Walkers & Accessories
• Adult Wheelchairs
• Air Mattress
• Air Mattresses
• Aluminum Canes
• Aluminum Forearm Crutches
• Assistive Kits, Walkers
• Bariatric Ambulatory Aids
• Bariatric Bathtub Products
• Bariatric Beds
• Bariatric Chairs
• Bariatric Commodes
• Bariatric Electric Patient Lift
• Bariatric Equipment
• Bariatric Lifts
• Bariatric Shower Chair Commode
• Bariatric Shower Chairs
• Bariatric Walkers & Accessories
• Bath Accessories
• Bath Chair
• Bathing Commodes
• Bathing Commodes, Wheelchair
• Bathing Furniture
• Bathing Kits
• Bathroom Benches
• Bathroom Chairs
• Battery Powered Patient Lift
• Bed Scale
• Bed Transfer Aids
• Bedside Commodes - Aluminum
• Casting Kits, Walkers
• Chair with Casters (FDA Code: INM / 890.3100)
A mechanical chair is a manually operated device intended for medical purposes that is used to assist a disabled person in performing an activity that the person would otherwise find difficult to do or be unable to do. Examples of mechanical chairs include the following: A chair with an elevating seat used to raise a person from a sitting position to a standing position and a chair with casters used by a person to move from one place to another while sitting.
• Chairs
• Chairs & stools
• Chrome Standard Patient Lift
• Commode
• Commode Rail
• Commodes, Adult
• Commodes, Drop Arm
• Compact Wheelchairs
• Crutch (FDA Code: IPR / 890.3150)
A crutch is a device intended for medical purposes for use by disabled persons to provide minimal to moderate weight support while walking.
• Crutches, Canes, Walkers
• Drop Arm Commodes
• Easy-Tilt Shower Chairs
• Electric Beds

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