
Cystine Nitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, Urine) Suppliers

  1 suppliers  
Roche Diagnostics Gmbh | Address: Sandhoferstrasse 116, Mannheim D-68298, Germany Germany | Phone: +49-(621)-759 0
FDA Registration: 9610126
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  1 Cystine Nitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, Urine) suppliers  
FDA Code / Regulation: JLC / 862.1240

A cystine test system is a device intended to measure the amino acid cystine in urine. Cystine measurements are used in the diagnosis of cystinuria (occurrence of cystine in urine). Patients with cystinuria frequently develop kidney calculi (stones).

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 862.9.

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