 General Bandages Suppliers > D-Cads Marketing (P) Ltd.

D-Cads Marketing (P) Ltd.

Contact: Mr D.P. Singh
Address: BXX - 2026, Gobind Nagar, P.A.U. Gate No. 3 Road, Ludhiana, Punjab 141001, India
Phone: +91-(161)-2401128, 2407830 | Fax: +91-(161)-2400355 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: D-Cads Marketing (P) Ltd. provides medical equipments. Our products include Cameras, Laparoscopic Equipments, Telescopes, Defibrillators, Ventilators, IRC Coagulator, TUR Set, Harmonic Scalpel and Fetal Doppler.

We also offer various types of cables for medical equipments and also provide repair for all types of medical equipments. Our TUR Set is manufactured from non-toxic and non-irritant medical grade PVC. It has a proximal end fitted with flexible latex. We provide TUR Sets for Endoscopic Irrigation during transuretheral resection of prostate gland.

Our Telescope is an optical instrument for magnifying the apparent size of distant objects. It is designed for the observation of remote objects by the collection of electromagnetic radiation.

We provide 9P Lifepack and Lifepack 9 model Defibrillators. These Defibrillators are used in hospitals and emergency rooms. They are designed to meet the needs of clinical, biomedical engineering, and purchasing professionals. Its features include high and low energy select displays, annotating recorder that prints out time, date, leads, gain, and Code Summary critical event record, which recaps critical events from the moment of power on. Our Infrared Coagulator is an instrument that delivers a narrow beam of noncoherent infrared light to the skin's surface. It is effective with all color pigments, as well as for most vascular lesions, warts and mucous cysts. It is used for the treatment of piles.

14 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Cameras
• Coagulators
• Defibrillators
• Fetal Heart Monitor
• Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring System
• Fetal Monitors
• General Medical Equipment
• Handheld Fetal Doppler
• Harmonic Scalpels
• Infrared Coagulator
• Laparoscopic Equipment
• Telescope
• Ventilator Systems
• Ventilators

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