
Draeger Medical, Inc.

Address: 3135 Quarry Road, Telford, Pennsylvania 18969, USA
Phone: +1-(215)-721-5400 | Fax: +1-(215)-723-5935 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Draeger Medical, Inc. is associated with medical and safety technology. Our safety division's current portfolio includes stationary & mobile gas detection systems, respiratory protection, firefighting equipment, professional diving gear, and alcohol & drug-testing instruments. Our medical division's product range covers anesthesia workstations, ventilation equipment for intensive & home care, emergency & mobile ventilation units, warming therapy equipment, patient monitoring equipment, IT solutions and gas management systems. Our Apollo® anesthesia workstation has features such as piston design platform, automated startup, enhanced monitoring, advanced ventilation, low-flow wizard, and user-friendly ergonomics. Our Alcotest® 6810 is an alcohol tester based on fuel cell technology. It provides precise measurement results even under extreme conditions.

FDA Registration Number: 3009348423

32 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Anesthesia
• Anesthesia Gas-Machine (FDA Code: BSZ / 868.5160)
A gas machine for anesthesia is a device used to administer to a patient, continuously or intermittently, a general inhalation anesthetic and to maintain a patient's ventilation. The device may include a gas flowmeter, vaporizer, ventilator, breathing circuit with bag, and emergency air supply.
• Anesthesia Workstation
• Arrhythmia Detector and Alarm (FDA Code: DSI / 870.1025)
The arrhythmia detector and alarm device monitors an electrocardiogram and is designed to produce a visible or audible signal or alarm when atrial or ventricular arrhythmia, such as premature contraction or ventricular fibrillation, occurs.
• Continuous Electronic Thermometer (FDA Code: FLL / 880.2910)
A clinical electronic thermometer is a device used to measure the body temperature of a patient by means of a transducer coupled with an electronic signal amplification, conditioning, and display unit. The transducer may be in a detachable probe with or without a disposable cover.
• Ear Oximeter (FDA Code: DPZ / 870.2710)
An ear oximeter is an extravascular device used to transmit light at a known wavelength(s) through blood in the ear. The amount of reflected or scattered light as indicated by this device is used to measure the blood oxygen saturation.
• ECG Data Management System
• Electroencephalogram Signal Spectrum Analyzer (FDA Code: GWS / 882.1420)
An electroencephalogram (EEG) signal spectrum analyzer is a device used to display the frequency content or power spectral density of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal.
• Electroencephalographs (FDA Code: GWQ / 882.1400)
An electroencephalograph is a device used to measure and record the electrical activity of the patient's brain obtained by placing two or more electrodes on the head.
• Gaseous Phase Oxygen Gas Analyzer (FDA Code: CCL / 868.1720)
An oxygen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of oxygen in respiratory gases by techniques such as mass spectrometry, polarography, thermal conductivity, or gas chromatography. This generic type of device also includes paramagnetic analyzers.
• Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration) Sevoflurane Gas Analyzer (FDA Code: NHP / 868.1500)
An enflurane gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of enflurane anesthetic in a gas mixture.
• Infant Incubator
• Infant Radiant Warmer (FDA Code: FMT / 880.5130)
The infant radiant warmer is a device consisting of an infrared heating element intended to be placed over an infant to maintain the infant's body temperature by means of radiant heat. The device may also contain a temperature monitoring sensor, a heat output control mechanism, and an alarm system (infant temperature, manual mode if present, and failure alarms) to alert operators of a temperature condition over or under the set temperature, manual mode time limits, and device component failure, respectively. The device may be placed over a pediatric hospital bed or it may be built into the bed as a complete unit.
• Infant Transport Device
• Jaundice Meter
• Nebulizers
• Neonatal Incubators (FDA Code: FMZ / 880.5400)
A neonatal incubator is a device consisting of a rigid boxlike enclosure in which an infant may be kept in a controlled environment for medical care. The device may include an AC-powered heater, a fan to circulate the warmed air, a container for water to add humidity, a control valve through which oxygen may be added, and access ports for nursing care.
• Neonatal Incubators (FDA Code: FMZ / 880.5400)
• Neonatal Phototherapy Unit (FDA Code: LBI / 880.5700)
A neonatal phototherapy unit is a device used to treat or prevent hyperbilirubinemia (elevated serum bilirubin level). The device consists of one or more lamps that emit a specific spectral band of light, under which an infant is placed for therapy. This generic type of device may include supports for the patient and equipment and component parts.
• Neonatal Total Bilirubin Test System (FDA Code: MQM / 862.1113)
A bilirubin (total and unbound) in the neonate test system is a device intended to measure the levels of bilirubin (total and unbound) in the blood (serum) of newborn infants to aid in indicating the risk of bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus).
• Neonatal Transport Incubator (FDA Code: FPL / 880.5410)
A neonatal transport incubator is a device consisting of a portable rigid boxlike enclosure with insulated walls in which an infant may be kept in a controlled environment while being transported for medical care. The device may include straps to secure the infant, a battery-operated heater, an AC-powered battery charger, a fan to circulate the warmed air, a container for water to add humidity, and provision for a portable oxygen bottle.
• Neonatal Transport System
• Oximeters (FDA Code: DQA / 870.2700)
An oximeter is a device used to transmit radiation at a known wavelength(s) through blood and to measure the blood oxygen saturation based on the amount of reflected or scattered radiation. It may be used alone or in conjunction with a fiberoptic oximeter catheter.
• Patient Monitoring Systems
• Patient Physiological Monitor (FDA Code: MHX / 870.1025)
• Peripheral Electric Nerve Stimulator (FDA Code: KOI / 868.2775)
An electrical peripheral nerve stimulator (neuromuscular blockade monitor) is a device used to apply an electrical current to a patient to test the level of pharmacological effect of anesthetic drugs and gases.
• Physiological Monitors Network and Communication System (FDA Code: MSX / 870.2300)
A cardiac monitor (including cardiotachometer and rate alarm) is a device used to measure the heart rate from an analog signal produced by an electrocardiograph, vectorcardiograph, or blood pressure monitor. This device may sound an alarm when the heart rate falls outside preset upper and lower limits.
• Programmable Diagnostic Computer (FDA Code: DQK / 870.1425)
A programmable diagnostic computer is a device that can be programmed to compute various physiologic or blood flow parameters based on the output from one or more electrodes, transducers, or measuring devices; this device includes any associated commercially supplied programs.
• Radiant Warmer
• Radiofrequency Physiological Transmitter/Receiver System (FDA Code: DRG / 870.2910)
A radiofrequency physiological signal transmitter and receiver is a device used to condition a physiological signal so that it can be transmitted via radiofrequency from one location to another, e.g., a central monitoring station. The received signal is reconditioned by the device into its original format so that it can be displayed.
• Transducer Signal Amplifier and Conditioner (FDA Code: DRQ / 870.2060)
A transducer signal amplifier and conditioner is a device used to provide the excitation energy for the transducer and to amplify or condition the signal emitted by the transducer.
• Ventilators

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