Profile: EMD Chemicals, Inc. offers an array of reagents, used worldwide in disease-related life sciences research at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Our optics division of our chemicals gives chemicals for physical vapor deposition, raw materials for monocrystals & fiber optics and liquid crystals for display technology. We support the manufacturing of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical drugs by offering custom synthesis services, process separation resins, multipharmacopeia ingredients & molecular biology reagents. Our MAS-100™ NT Microbial Air Monitoring Systems is aspirated through a perforated lid with 400 holes. A radial fan, controlled by a flow sensor, accurately regulates air flow real time at 100 liters/min. The air is impacted onto the surface of growth media in a 100mm Petri dish or 60mm contact plate. Microorganisms impact the media and the colonies are counted after the proper incubation period.
The company was founded in 1970, has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~700 employees and is ISO 9001 certified.
FDA Registration Number: 9610140
US Agent: Benjamin Kimball / Emd Millipore Corporation
Phone: +1-(916)-300-6908 E-Mail:
• Red Cell Lysing Fluid (FDA Code: GGK / 864.8540) A red cell lysing reagent is a device used to lyse (destroy) red blood cells for hemoglobin determinations or aid in the counting of white blood cells. |
• Romanowsky Stain (FDA Code: GJL / 864.1850) Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology. |
• Rose Bengal Stain (FDA Code: KKI / 864.1850) |
• Safranin Stain (FDA Code: HZS / 864.1850) |
• Schiff Reagent Stain (FDA Code: HZT / 864.1850) |
• Single Biochemical Test Culture Media (FDA Code: JSF / 866.2320) A differential culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify different types of pathogenic microorganisms. The identification of these microorganisms is accomplished by the addition of a specific biochemical component(s) to the medium. Microorganisms are identified by a visible change (e.g., a color change) in a specific biochemical component(s) which indicates that specific metabolic reactions have occurred. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease and also provide epidemiological information on diseases caused by these microorganisms. |
• Slide Stainers |
• Spill Containment |
• Stainers |
• Sterikonr Plus Bioindicator System |
• Sudan Black B Stain (FDA Code: HZZ / 864.1850) |
• Sudan III (FDA Code: KKJ / 864.1850) |
• Synthetic Cell and Tissue Culture Media and Components (FDA Code: KIT / 864.2220) Synthetic cell and tissue culture media and components are substances that are composed entirely of defined components (e.g., amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts) that are essential for the survival and development of cell lines of humans and other animals. This does not include tissue culture media for human ex vivo tissue and cell culture processing applications as described in 876.5885 of this chapter. |
• Toluidine Blue Stain (FDA Code: IAB / 864.1850) |
• Total Protein Biuret Method (FDA Code: CEK / 862.1635) A total protein test system is a device intended to measure total protein(s) in serum or plasma. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases involving the liver, kidney, or bone marrow as well as other metabolic or nutritional disorders. |
• Trypan Blue Stain (FDA Code: LGY / 864.1850) |
• Urinalysis Reagents & Test Strips |
• Urinary Calculi Qualitative Chemical Reactions Test (FDA Code: JNQ / 862.1780) A urinary calculi (stones) test system is a device intended for the analysis of urinary calculi. Analysis of urinary calculi is used in the diagnosis and treatment of calculi of the urinary tract. |
• Weigert's Hematoxylin (FDA Code: HYO / 864.1850) |
• Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin Stain (FDA Code: IAE / 864.1850) |
• Wright's Stain (FDA Code: IAF / 864.1850) |
• Zenker's Pathology Solution (FDA Code: IFH / 864.4010) |