 Infant Scalp Haemostatic Forceps Suppliers > Efficient Dental Technologies LLC

Efficient Dental Technologies LLC

Contact: Thomas Gaskill
Address: 1142 Willagillespie Rd, Suite 30, Eugene, Oregon 97401, USA
Phone: +1-(877)-744-9339 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Efficient Dental Technologies LLC is engaged in the production of dental products. Our product line comprises of EZ-Crown™, NU-Crown™, NU-Core™, Temp Tray™, NU-Block™ and TrioDent™ products. Our EZ-Crown™ products include anterior kits, molar kits, bicuspid kits and veneer kits. We supply NU-Crown™ that allows for incredibly accurate margins and occlusal stops, and does not involve trimming of the shell prior to lining. Our NU-Core™ is beneficial when a large portion of the coronal tooth structure is missing and a matrix band cannot be used. Our Temp Tray™ impression tray provides a way to create aesthetically pleasing and functional temporary crowns. We offer TrioDent™ that provides dental professionals with a breakthrough method for developing composite restorations for their patients. It is uniquely designed to produce long-lasting and natural-looking restorations.

FDA Registration Number: 3004721999

4 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Dental Devices
• Dental Protector (FDA Code: BRW / 868.5820)
A dental protector is a device intended to protect a patient's teeth during manipulative procedures within a patient's oral cavity.
• Disposable Impression Trays
• Mouth Care Kits

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