Profile: Elmed Inc. specializes in reusable electrosurgical equipment & accessories. We are involved in monopolar electrosurgical technology. Our retract robot is designed to assist surgeons during intensive procedures and to free surgical assistants. Our rod lens laparoscopes represents the latest in technology, in the design and fabrication of rigid endoscopes. All our laparoscopes are hand crafted by optical instrument makers & tested to exact specifications.
The company has revenues of USD 1-5 Million, has ~20 employees.
FDA Registration Number: 1412854
• Neurological Mallet |
• Neurological Stimulator |
• Neurology Self-Retaining Retractor (FDA Code: GZT / 882.4800) A self-retaining retractor for neurosurgery is a self-locking device used to hold the edges of a wound open during neurosurgery. |
• Neurosurgical Scissors |
• Non-Powered Surgical Instrument (FDA Code: HAO / 882.4535) A nonpowered neurosurgical instrument is a hand instrument or an accessory to a hand instrument used during neurosurgical procedures to cut, hold, or manipulate tissue. It includes specialized chisels, osteotomes, curettes, dissectors, elevators, forceps, gouges, hooks, surgical knives, rasps, scissors, separators, spatulas, spoons, blades, blade holders, blade breakers, probes, etc. |
• Obstetrical Forceps (FDA Code: HDA / 884.4400) An obstetric forceps is a device consisting of two blades, with handles, designed to grasp and apply traction to the fetal head in the birth passage and facilitate delivery. |
• Open valve nasal speculum |
• Operating Room Tables |
• Operating-Room Table and Attachments (FDA Code: BWN / 878.4950) A manual operating table and accessories and a manual operating chair and accessories are nonpowered devices, usually with movable components, intended to be used to support a patient during diagnostic examinations or surgical procedures. |
• Ophthalmic Aspiration Cannula (FDA Code: HMX / 886.4350) A manual ophthalmic surgical instrument is a nonpowered, handheld device intended to aid or perform ophthalmic surgical procedures. This generic type of device includes the manual corneal burr, ophthalmic caliper, ophthalmic cannula, eyelid clamp, ophthalmic muscle clamp, iris retractor clip, orbital compressor, ophthalmic curette, cystotome, orbital depressor, lachrymal dilator, erisophake, expressor, ophthalmic forcep, ophthalmic hook, sphere introducer, ophthalmic knife, ophthalmic suturing needle, lachrymal probe, trabeculotomy probe, cornea-sclera punch, ophthalmic retractor, ophthalmic ring (Flieringa), lachrymal sac rongeur, ophthalmic scissors, enucleating snare, ophthalmic spatula, ophthalmic specula, ophthalmic spoon, ophthalmic spud, trabeculotome or ophthalmic manual trephine. |
• Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code: HOE / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code: HMX / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Forceps (FDA Code: HNR / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Retractor (FDA Code: HNI / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Scalpel, Cataract Knife |
• Ophthalmic Speculum (FDA Code: HNC / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code: HNF / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Tenotomy Scissors |
• Ophthalmology Needle Holders |
• Ophthalmology, Surgical Instrument Tables |
• Orbital Retractors |
• Orthopedic Caliper |
• Orthopedic Osteotome (FDA Code: HWM / 878.4800) A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892. |
• Orthopedic Surgical Table and Accessories (FDA Code: JEB / 878.4950) |
• Orthopedics Monopolar Generators |
• Oval Biopsy Punch Forceps |
• Paracentesis Fixation Forceps |
• Pediatric Exam Tables |
• Pediatric Scissors |
• Pediatric Tube Needle Holder Adapter |
• Penetrating Keratoplasty, Castroviejo Corneal Scissors |
• Percussion Hammer |
• Plain Fixation Forceps |
• Plastic Dressing Forceps |
• Plastic Hemostatic Forceps |
• Plastic Littauer Suture Scissors |
• Plastic Sponge Forceps |
• Plastic Surgery Scissors |
• Plastic Utility Forceps |
• Polyp Snare |
• Polyp SnareT System for Nasal Polyps |
• Pool-Tip Suction Cannula |
• Portable Adjustment Tables |
• Posture Chair for Cardiac/Pulmonary Treatment (FDA Code: BYN / 868.5365) A posture chair for cardiac or pulmonary treatment is a device intended to assist in the rehabilitation and mobilization of patients with chronic heart or lung disease. |
• Pressure Plethysmograph (FDA Code: CCM / 868.1750) A pressure plethysmograph is a device used to determine a patient's airway resistance and lung volumes by measuring pressure changes while the patient is in an airtight box. |
• Pulse Rate Monitors |
• R-Wave (ECG) Heart Rate Monitor |
• Rapid Cuff Inflator |
• Rectal Retractor |
• Rectal Scissors |