
Endura Industries

Address: P.O. Box 724, Daska Rd., Sialkot 22161, Pakistan
Phone: +92-(432)-554139 | Fax: +92-(432)-554293 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Endura Industries deals with surgical and dental instruments. Our product list comprises of obstetrical forceps, ophthalmic scissors, ENT wire cutting scissors, surgical spatulas and cardiovascular surgical instruments.

The company was founded in 1976.

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• Blood Collection Sets with Needle Holder
• Blood Needle Holder Systems
• Cardiovascular Surgical Instrument (FDA Code: DWS / 870.4500)
Cardiovascular surgical instruments are surgical instruments that have special features for use in cardiovascular surgery. These devices include, e.g., forceps, retractors, and scissors.
• Coronary Needle Holders
• Cosmetic Surgery, Needle Holder (Serrated)
• Crile Wood Needle Holder
• Curved Carbide Jaw Needle Holder
• Disposable Medical Scissors (FDA Code: JOK / 880.6820)
Medical disposable scissors are disposable type general cutting devices intended for medical purposes. This generic type of device does not include surgical scissors.
• Ear Scissors (FDA Code: JZB / 874.4420)
• ENT Forceps (FDA Code: KAE / 874.4420)
• Forceps Needle Holders
• Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code: FHQ / 876.4730)
A manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instrument and accessories is a device designed to be used for gastroenterological and urological surgical procedures. The device may be nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated. Manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instruments include the biopsy forceps cover, biopsy tray without biopsy instruments, line clamp, nonpowered rectal probe, nonelectrical clamp, colostomy spur-crushers, locking device for intestinal clamp, needle holder, gastro-urology hook, gastro-urology probe and director, nonself-retaining retractor, laparotomy rings, nonelectrical snare, rectal specula, bladder neck spreader, self-retaining retractor, and scoop.
• General & Plastic Surgery Forceps (FDA Code: GEN / 878.4800)
A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892.
• General & Plastic Surgery Surgical Spatula (FDA Code: GAF / 878.4800)
• Gynecological Surgical Forceps (FDA Code: HCZ / 884.4530)
An obstetric-gynecologic specialized manual instrument is one of a group of devices used during obstetric-gynecologic procedures to perform manipulative diagnostic and surgical functions (e.g., dilating, grasping, measuring, and scraping), where structural integrity is the chief criterion of device performance. This type of device consists of the following:
• Hexagonal Needle Holder
• Left Hand Needle Holders
• Metal Vaginal Speculum (FDA Code: HDF / 884.4520)
An obstetric-gynecologic general manual instrument is one of a group of devices used to perform simple obstetric and gynecologic manipulative functions. This generic type of device consists of the following:
• Micro Castroviejo Needle Holder with Stopper
• Micro Needle Holder
• Micro Needle Holder Round Handle
• Micro Needle Holders with Flat Handles
• Micro Needle Holders with Lightweight Plastic Handles
• Micro Ophthalmic Scissors
• Micro Spring Handle Needle Holder
• Microvascular Needle Holders
• Nasal Scissors (FDA Code: KBD / 874.4420)
• Nasal Scissors curved
• Nasal Scissors Straight (FDA Code: KBD / 874.4420)
• Needle Holder For 10mm Diameter Tubes
• Needle Holder Round
• Needle Holders & Scissors
• Needle Holders Repair Service
• Needle Holders with TC-Inserts
• Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts
• Obstetrical Forceps (FDA Code: HDA / 884.4400)
An obstetric forceps is a device consisting of two blades, with handles, designed to grasp and apply traction to the fetal head in the birth passage and facilitate delivery.
• Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code: HNF / 886.4350)
A manual ophthalmic surgical instrument is a nonpowered, handheld device intended to aid or perform ophthalmic surgical procedures. This generic type of device includes the manual corneal burr, ophthalmic caliper, ophthalmic cannula, eyelid clamp, ophthalmic muscle clamp, iris retractor clip, orbital compressor, ophthalmic curette, cystotome, orbital depressor, lachrymal dilator, erisophake, expressor, ophthalmic forcep, ophthalmic hook, sphere introducer, ophthalmic knife, ophthalmic suturing needle, lachrymal probe, trabeculotomy probe, cornea-sclera punch, ophthalmic retractor, ophthalmic ring (Flieringa), lachrymal sac rongeur, ophthalmic scissors, enucleating snare, ophthalmic spatula, ophthalmic specula, ophthalmic spoon, ophthalmic spud, trabeculotome or ophthalmic manual trephine.
• Ophthalmology Needle Holders
• Pediatric Tube Needle Holder Adapter
• Serrated Jaws Carbide Jaw Needle Holder
• Single use VacutainerT Needle Holder
• Single-Use Needle Holder
• Sinus Endoscopy, Nasal Scissors
• Sinus Endoscopy, Needle Holders
• Stainless Steel Needle Holders
• Standard Needle Holders
• Sterile ENT Wire Cutting Scissors (FDA Code: JYA / 874.3540)
A prosthesis modification instrument for ossicular replacement surgery is a device intended for use by a surgeon to construct ossicular replacements. This generic type of device includes the ear, nose, and throat cutting block; wire crimper, wire bending die; wire closure forceps; piston cutting jib; gelfoamTMpunch; wire cutting scissors; and ossicular finger vise.
• Straight Carbide Jaw Needle Holder
• Surgical Orthopedic Scissors (FDA Code: HRR / 888.4540)
An orthopedic manual surgical instrument is a nonpowered hand-held device intended for medical purposes to manipulate tissue, or for use with other devices in orthopedic surgery. This generic type of device includes the cerclage applier, awl, bender, drill brace, broach, burr, corkscrew, countersink, pin crimper, wire cutter, prosthesis driver, extractor, file, fork, needle holder, impactor, bending or contouring instrument, compression instrument, passer, socket positioner, probe, femoral neck punch, socket pusher, reamer, rongeur, scissors, screwdriver, bone skid, staple driver, bone screw starter, surgical stripper, tamp, bone tap, trephine, wire twister, and wrench.
• Titanium Needle Holders

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