Address: 2884 East Ganley Road, Tucson, Arizona 85706, USA
www.proorthopedic.com |
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Phone: +001-(523)-523-5611
FDA Registration: 3000944672 Year Established: 1994
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~40
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Ophthalmoscopes, Scissors, Direct Ophthalmoscopes, Phacoemulsification Systems, MVR Blades, OptoKinetic Nystagmus Drum, ...
Pro Orthopedic Devices focuses on sports medicine. We market knee supports, patella stabilizers, hinged braces, ankle supports, calf supports, elbow supports, low back supports and scuff pads. In our
Address: #505, 31st Street, Newport Beach, California 92663, USA
www.orthomerica.com |
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Phone: +1-(949)-723-4500
FDA Registration: 1058152 Year Established: 1989
Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~90
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Acetabular Liners, Hip Orthoses, Pediatric Orthoses, Cervicothoracic Lumbar Orthosis, Prefabricated Hip Orthoses, Bilateral Hip Orthoses, ...
Orthomerica Products, Inc. manufactures and markets prefabricated, semi-custom & custom orthoses. We are an ISO 9001, CE MARK certified company. We offer products like hip orthoses, low extremity orth
Address: 5229 NW 108 Ave, Sunrise, Florida 33351, USA
www.skymedicalinc.com |
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Phone: +1-(954)-747-3188
FDA Registration: 1062863
Products: Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Foot Braces, Humeral Splints, Hand and Wrist Braces, Thumb Splints, ...
Sky Medical, Inc. manufactures clinically designed fracture braces, hand & foot immobilizers and upper & lower extremity orthotics. Our thumb spika orthosis is a lightweight orthosis designed to comfo
Address: 1316 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60201, USA
www.dmsystems.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-254-5438
FDA Registration: 1424774 Year Established: 1979
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Foot Braces, Knee Braces, Hand and Wrist Braces, Walkers, ...
DM Systems, Inc is a manufacturer & distributor of wound care, casting, resistive exercise and rehabilitation products. We also supply sports medicine equipment. Our heelift traction boot provides an
Address: P.O. Box 708 ,1800 West Center Street, Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0708, USA
www.zimmer.com |
Phone: +1-(574)-372-4790, 800-613-6131
FDA Registration: 1822565 Year Established: 1927
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~7600
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Splints, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Spreaders, Silicone Tubing, Dressing Forceps, ...
Zimmer, Inc. manufactures orthopedic products and instruments. We specialize in joint replacement solutions for knee pain & hip pain. We deliver comprehensive spine care solutions for acute and chroni
Address: PO Box 587, Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0587, USA
www.biomet.com/orthopedics |
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Phone: +1-(574)-267-6639
FDA Registration: 1825034 Year Established: 1977
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~20
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Heat or Cold Packs, Blades, Drills, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), ...
Biomet, Inc designs and manufactures products for hip replacement, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, elbow replacement & other small joint replacements. We are an ISO 9001 CE certified company.
Address: 297 High Street, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026, USA
www.alimed.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-225-2610
FDA Registration: 1218386 Employee Count: ~180
Quality: ISO, CE Certified
Products: Masks & Breathing Bags, Hypodermic Syringes, Bodyfat Analyzers, Spirometers, Disposable Examination Gloves, Furniture & Storage, ...
Alimed, Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of pre-formed orthoses, alarms for fall management, cushions, diagnostic imaging & operating room accessories, orthopedic rehabilitation equipment, and ergo
Address: 635 Executive Drive, Troy, Michigan 48083-4576, USA
www.beckerorthopedic.com |
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Phone: +1-(248)-588-7480, (800)-521-2192
FDA Registration: 1824252
Products: Lower Extremity Splints, Lumbosacral Braces, Cervico-Thoracic Braces, Orthoses Cervico-Thoracic Braces, Cervicothoracic Lumbar Orthosis, Orthoses, Lumbosacral Braces, ...
Becker Orthopedic provides orthotic components and central fabrication services. We specialize in rotational control lower extremity laminated orthoses. We deliver a complete lower limb, thermoplastic
Address: 37017 State Hwy. 79, Cleveland, Alabama 35049, USA
www.americanorthopedicsupply.com |
Phone: +1-(205)-274-7137
Products: Arm Support Extender:, Toilet Aids, Toilet Safety Arm Support, Arm Slings (FDA Code:
ILI), Arm Supports (FDA Code:
IOY), Disposable Arm Slings, Envelope Arm Sling, ...
American Orthopedic Supply Co., Inc. specializes in the supply of all types of medical laboratory and hospital equipment, acupuncture products, and also in the sale of used medical equipment.
Address: 742 Pancho Rd., Camarillo, California 93012, USA
www.shopossur.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-521-0601
FDA Registration: 2020250
Products: Needles, Knee/Ankle Braces & Supports, Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), Elastic Bandages (FDA Code:
FQM), Wound Care, Surgical Drapes (FDA Code:
KKX), ...
Ossur Americas specializes in providing orthopedic products and medical supplies. We provide braces & supports, casting & splinting, wound care products, podiatry supplies and surgical supplies. Our A
Address: 561 Division St., Campbell, California 95008, USA
www.hosmer.com |
Phone: +1-(408)-379-5151
Products: Cervical Thoracic Orthosis (FDA Code:
IPT), Thoracic Orthosis, Brace (FDA Code:
IPT), Biofeedback Device (FDA Code:
HCC), External Aesthetic Restoration Material (FDA Code:
GBI), Specialty Patient Examination Glove (FDA Code:
LZC), External Ankle Brace (FDA Code:
ITW), ...
Hosmer Dorrance Corp. specializes in prosthetics. Our Stance flexion device adds adjustable stance flexion to most endoskeletal knee shin systems like weight activated locking knee , single axis frict
Address: 22156 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, California 91303, USA
Phone: +1-(818)-992-1619
Products: Lumbar Orthosis, Brace (FDA Code:
IQE), Hand Splint and Component (FDA Code:
ILH), External Ankle Brace (FDA Code:
ITW), Cast Bandage (FDA Code:
ITG), External Brace Hip Joint (FDA Code:
ITS), External Brace Knee Joint (FDA Code:
ITQ), ...
Cb World Inc. specializes in providing medical equipment and supplies.
Address: 1900 Aston Ave., Carlsbad, California 92008, USA
www.zimmerdental.com |
Phone: +1-(760)-929-4300, 800-854-7019
FDA Registration: 2023141 Year Established: 1927
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~410
Quality: ISO 13485, CE Certified
Products: Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Arthroscopes (FDA Code:
HRX), Bone Hooks (FDA Code:
KIK), Bone Rasps (FDA Code:
HTR), ...
Zimmer Dental, Inc. specializes in dental implant products. Our product portfolio comprises of root-form endosseous dental implants, prosthetic attachments for restoration, surgical instrumentation, c
Address: 2638 Aztec Drive, Chico, California 95928, USA
www.cascade-usa.com |
Phone: +1-(530)-879-1500/800-888-0865
FDA Registration: 2950684
Products: Splints, Acetabular Liners, Cast Liners, Hip Orthoses, Collars, Gauze, ...
Cascade Orthopedic Supply is a distributor of medical equipment. We focused on prosthetics, orthotistics and foot care specialists. We market ankle joints, cervical, spinal and stirrups. Our new produ
Address: 930 So Andreasen Drive, Suite J, Escondido, California 92029, USA
Phone: +1-(760)-7417320
FDA Registration: 2085185
Products: External Ankle Brace (FDA Code:
ITW), External Brace Hip Joint (FDA Code:
ITS), External Brace Knee Joint (FDA Code:
ITQ), Limb Brace Orthosis (FDA Code:
IQI), Limb Cover (FDA Code:
IPM), ...
Raven International supplies various joint, knee, hip & limb brace products and therapeutic ankle support systems.
Address: 418 East Esther Place, Placentia, California 92870, USA
www.stngco.com |
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Phone: +1-(714)-524-0663
FDA Registration: 3005748172
Products: Knee Immobilizer, Prosthetic Devices, Foot Orthotics, Elastic Knee Support, Ankle Foot Orthosis, Air Ankle Stirrup Brace, ...
ST&G Corporation offers prosthetic feets, prosthetic knees and orthotic products. Our prosthetic feet includes ES dynamic foot, sach foot and single axis foot. Our prosthetic knee comprises of four ba
Address: 8690 Aero Dr., Pmb 183, San Diego, California 92123, USA
www.rhinopod.com |
Phone: +1-(951)-676-1932
FDA Registration: 2083466
Products: Reflex Hammer, Arm Slings (FDA Code:
ILI), Cast Shoe (FDA Code:
IPG), Clavicle Splint (FDA Code:
IQJ), External Brace Hip Joint (FDA Code:
ITS), External Brace Knee Joint (FDA Code:
ITQ), ...
Rhino Pediatric Orthopedic Designs, Inc. focuses on pediatric orthopedic products. Our products include hip abduction braces, cervical collar & straps, arm slings, wrist support, knee immobilizers, ne
Address: 915 Industrial Way, San Jacinto, California 92582, USA
www.tiburonmed.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(909)-654-2333
FDA Registration: 2031918 Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~30
Products: Cervicothoracic Lumbar Orthosis, Arm Slings (FDA Code:
ILI), Humeral Fracture Brace, Short Leg Walking Brace, Lumbar Orthosis, Brace (FDA Code:
IQE), Hand Splint and Component (FDA Code:
ILH), ...
Tiburon Medical Enterprises, Inc. is a direct manufacturer of orthotics and prosthetic products & supplies. Our cervical & spinal products include trach collars, plastic neck collars, Joal cervical th
Address: 1430 Decision Street, Vista, California 92081-8553, USA
www.djoglobal.com |
Phone: +1-(760)-727-1280, 800-336-6569
FDA Registration: 2020737 Year Established: 1978
Employee Count: ~4000
Products: Patient Lifters (FDA Code:
FNG), Electrode Cables (FDA Code:
IKD), Ankle Braces, Knee Braces, Catheter Accessories (FDA Code:
KGZ), Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), ...
DJO Incorporated is a provider of orthopedic devices. We offer a wide range of products used for rehabilitation, pain management and physical therapy. We also develop, manufacture and distribute a bro
Address: 1709 Heath Parkway, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524, USA
www.scottorthotic.com |
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Phone: +1-(970)-484-5017, 866-648-9148
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Products: Rigid Orthotics, Custom Orthotics, Hand Braces & Orthotics, Foot Orthotics, Wrist-Hand Orthosis, Pediatric Hip Orthosis, ...
Scott Orthotic Labs, Inc. is a manufacturer of prefabricated orthotics, prosthetic and orthotic components. Our orthotic components include thermoplastic ankle walkers, TLSO & LSO systems for cervical