 Body Cassette Holder Suppliers > Fisher Scientific U.K.

Fisher Scientific U.K.

Contact: Anthony John - VP Sales
Address: Bishop Meadow Road, Loughborough LE11 5RG, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(1509)-231-166 | Fax: +44-(1509)-231-893 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Fisher Scientific U.K. is a supplier of laboratory chemicals and equipment. We have on-site chemical manufacturing of inorganic chemicals, reagents and solvents. Our medical products include mechanical single channel pipettors,hoshizaki ice makers, Fisherbrand® spatula balance, beakers, cryotubes and cryobox. Our Fisherbrand® covers many application areas that are found in general use in virtually any laboratory.

The company has revenues of USD 100-500 Million, has ~550 employees and is ISO 9002, CE certified. NYSE:FSH (SEC Filings)

9 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Automated Cell Counter (FDA Code: GKL / 864.5200)
An automated cell counter is a fully-automated or semi-automated device used to count red blood cells, white blood cells, or blood platelets using a sample of the patient's peripheral blood (blood circulating in one of the body's extremities, such as the arm). These devices may also measure hemoglobin or hematocrit and may also calculate or measure one or more of the red cell indices (the erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume, the mean corpuscular hemoglobin, or the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration). These devices may use either an electronic particle counting method or an optical counting method.
• Calorimeter
• Colony Counters
• Colony Counters, Accelerated Bacterial Enumeration System
• Colony Counters, Automated Microbial Enumeration
• Digital Colony Counter
• Laboratory Freezers (FDA Code: JRM / 862.2050)
General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use is a device that is intended to prepare or examine specimens from the human body and that is labeled or promoted for a specific medical use.
• Steam Sterilizers (FDA Code: FLE / 880.6880)
A steam sterilizer (autoclave) is a device that is intended for use by a health care provider to sterilize medical products by means of pressurized steam.
• Ultra-Low Temperature Laboratory Freezer

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