Address: 300 E. Hersey St. #6, Ashland, Oregon 97520, USA
www.spectronir.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(541)-482-6444
FDA Registration: 3007010903 Year Established: 2007
Products: Therapeutic Heating Infrared Lamp (FDA Code:
ILY), TInfrared Light (FDA Code:
ILY), Telethermographic System (FDA Code:
LHQ), Thermal Imaging Cameras, Medical Thermal Imaging Cameras, Fix Mounted Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera Systems, ...
Spectron IR offers medical infrared thermal imaging cameras for the detection of breast cancers. Our Clinic Pro Wall-Mount is height adjustable work surface & monitor for standing or seated imaging -
Address: 2105 W. Cardinal Dr., 40 Secound Street South Range, Mi, Cheek, Texas 77705, USA
www.infraredcamerasinc.com |
Phone: +1-(409)-8610788
FDA Registration: 3007420760
Products: Diagnostic Chart, Anatomical, Anatomical Kits, Anatomical E-models, Cancer Detection Test, Breast Cancer Detection Kit Test, Anatomical Charts, ...
Infrared Cameras Inc. is a manufacturer of thermal imaging and infrared camera systems. Our medical thermal imaging is used as a screening modality in the areas of neuromusculoskeletal injury, cancer