Address: 6905 Deer Park Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34951, USA
www.treasurecoastophthalmic.com |
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Phone: +1-(772)-429-1610
Products: Keratometers, Slit Lamps, Tonometers, Microscopes, Hand-held Autorefractors, Visual Field Instrument, ...
Treasure Coast Ophthalmic is a full-service ophthalmic and optical diagnostic equipment company that serves the equipment needs of optometrists, ophthalmologists, opticians, and other medical professi
Address: 320 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, USA
www.hailabs.com |
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Phone: +1-(781)-862-9884
FDA Registration: 1226587
Products: Specular Microscopes (FDA Code:
NQE), Titanium Ophthalmic Forceps, Non -Contact Specular Microscope, Clinical Specular Microscopes (FDA Code:
NQE), semiautomated Specular Microscopes, Disposable Ophthalmic Cannulae, ...
HAI Laboratories, Inc. carries a complete line of ophthalmic surgical instruments. We deliver a wide range of both eye bank and laboratory micro-surgical instruments. We offer products such as A/B sca
Address: 9130 Guilford Rd., Columbia, Maryland 21046-2581, USA
www.eyetel-imaging.com |
Phone: +1-(888)-222-3875
Products: Medical Imaging, Automated Retinal Imaging System, Fundus Camera, AC-Powered Ophthalmic Camera (FDA Code:
HKI), ...
Eyetel Imaging, Inc. specializes in retinal imaging system. Our Digiscope is a semi automated camera helps to detect the age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and optic disc abnormali
Address: 3015 Locust Street, Saint Louis, Missouri 63103, USA
www.fundusphoto.com |
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Phone: +1-(314)-5336000
FDA Registration: 3007237389
Products: Digital Imaging Systems, Digital Camera Adapters, Ophthalmic Imaging Softwares, Digital Imaging Devices, Fundus Camera, AC-Powered Ophthalmic Camera (FDA Code:
HKI), ...
Fundus Photo, Llc specializes in ophthalmic equipment. We offer digital upgrade adapter and New Vision ophthalmic imaging software. Our digital imaging solution captures color, red-free and f/a with o
Address: Rm 14-1002,No.388, Wanrong Rd, Zhabei, Shanghai, China
www.crescenthealthco.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-62546941
Products: Tonometers, Non-Contact Tonometers, Compact Tonometers, Fundus Camera, Auto Tonometers, Eye Tonometer, ...
Crescent Health Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of ophthalmic products. FCT-01 is an intelligent SD-OCT and line scanning ophthalmoscope (LSO) combined system with informative outputs, rem