
Gallstone Dissolution Infusion Pump Suppliers

  1 suppliers  
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc | Address: 81 Wyman Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454, USA USA | Phone: +1-(781)-622-1000
Year Established: 1956  Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million  Employee Count: ~870  Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Laboratory Equipment, Forceps (FDA Code: HTD), Probes (FDA Code: HXB), Silicone Tubing, Knives, Needles, ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. specializes in analytical instruments. Our unisystem pipettes are made of disposable plastic. Our finnigan LTQ linear ion trap mass spectrometer offers unparalleled sensi more...
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  1 Gallstone Dissolution Infusion Pump suppliers  
FDA Code / Regulation: MHD / 880.5725

An infusion pump is a device used in a health care facility to pump fluids into a patient in a controlled manner. The device may use a piston pump, a roller pump, or a peristaltic pump and may be powered electrically or mechanically. The device may also operate using a constant force to propel the fluid through a narrow tube which determines the flow rate. The device may include means to detect a fault condition, such as air in, or blockage of, the infusion line and to activate an alarm.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

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