Address: 3001 North Graham Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28206, USA
www.pattersonpope.com/sectors/industry/healthcare |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(704)-523-4400
Products: Medical Carts, Transport Wheelchairs, Heavy Duty Transport Wheelchairs, Medical Chart Carts, Hydraulic Adjustable Multimedia Carts, Medical Case Carts, ...
Patterson Pope, Inc. specializes in providing healthcare storage solutions. CoreSTOR patient server is designed to put 80% of the most frequently used supplies for patient care 10 steps from the bedsi
Address: One Monarch Drive, Suite 102, Littleton, Massachusetts 01460, USA
www.imagestreammedical.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(978)-486 8494
FDA Registration: 3003696010 Year Established: 1999
Products: Image Capture Systems, Image Analysis System, Image Storage Device, Minimally Invasive Total Hip Surgery Retractors, Instruments for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Surgical Camera and Accessories (FDA Code:
KQM), ...
Image Stream Medical, Inc. specializes in the management of minimally invasive surgery. We provide medical devices & software. We focus on providing image management solutions for hospitals or clinics
Address: Unit D1, 2 Westall Road, Clayton 3168, Australia
www.sedco.net.au |
Phone: +613-9543 1855
Products: Nurse Call System, Healthcare Service, Wireless Healthcare System, Emergency Response Safety Kit (FDA Code:
OKI), Personal Emergency Response Systems, Audio/Visual Nurse Call Systems, ...
SEDCO Communications offers health care communication systems. We manufacture, distribute and install nurse call and emergency response systems. Our emergency notification system supports routine acti