Address: 4825 Gina Way, Union City, California 94587, USA
www.clinprointl.com |
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Phone: +1-(510)-489-6093
Products: Beta-2 Microglobulin, 17-OH Progesterone Kit, Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP), 17- Dehydroxy Progesterone Testing Set, Alpha Fetoprotein Test Kit, Alpha Fetoprotein Tumor Marker, ...
ClinPro International Co. LLC offers EIA and ELISA immunoassays for the detection of cancer (tumor markers), infectious disease, endocrine hormone levels & autoimmune disease. Our Stat Fax microwell p
Address: Laippatie 1, Helsinki 00880, Finland
www.biohit.com |
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Phone: +358-(9)-773-861
FDA Registration: 9681721 Quality: ISO 8655 Certified
Products: Diagnostic Devices, Stress Test Base Systems, Liquid Handling System, Diagnostic Products, Gastrin Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code:
CGC), Enzyme Immunoassay, Campylobacter Pylori (FDA Code:
LYR), ...
Biohit Oyj manufactures liquid handling products and diagnostic test systems. Our diagnostic test systems include colonview fecal occult blood tests, gastropanel for atrophic gastritis and helicobacte