 ENT Surgical Tray Suppliers > Holmes Dental Corp.

Holmes Dental Corp.

Contact: Dr. Shelly M. Greene - President
Address: 50 S. Penn St., Hatboro, Pennsylvania 19040-3246, USA
Phone: +1-(215)-675-2877, 800-322-5577 | Fax: +1-(215)-675-7147 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Holmes Dental Corp. specializes in dental products. Our dental products include crown & bridge, sore spotter, denture repair, antifog mirror, wipe system, impressions, bite registration, saliva ejector holder, composites, liners and varnishes. Our Qyk-set features fast setting, accuracy, can be relined & repaired in seconds, has superior strength, is easy to mix and sets in the presence of eugenol. Our Dappen dishes are made of pure silicone and feature a suction base. Our spore spotter sticks to wet tissue. It prevents the denture from losing its retention and stability from over adjustment. Our bite registration paste is ideal for accurately registering occlusal relationship. The material will not sag or run and sets in less than one minute. It allows complete seating of models. Our Mirror-Wipe System cleans the mirror face and applies anti-fog solution in one simple motion. Stop-Drop holder attaches to the saliva ejector on one end and the bib on the other. This keeps the saliva ejector in place at all times. Our bite relators feature a rigid metal frame, ensuring both accurate impressions and bite registration. Our Sta-Soft is a permanent soft reliner for dentures. It shows excellent adhesion to a clean denture base and can be used both at chairside and in the laboratory. There is no exothermic reaction, disagreeable odor or change in color.

The company has revenues of < USD 1 Million.

3 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Film Processor Chemical
• Recliners
• Saliva Ejectors

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