
Home Uterine Activity Monitor Suppliers

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Huntleigh Technology Plc | Address: 310-312 Dallow Rd., Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1TD, United Kingdom United Kingdom | Phone: +44-(01582)-413104
Products: Ultrasonic Fetal Monitor (FDA Code: KNG), Adjustable Hospital AC-Powered Beds (FDA Code: FNL), Alternating Pressure Air Flotation Mattress (FDA Code: FNM), Air Flotation Mattress (FDA Code: FNM), Ambulatory Electrocardiograph (FDA Code: MWJ), Compressible Limb Sleeve (FDA Code: JOW), ...
Huntleigh Technology PLC. is a provider of health-care solutions. Our product line includes medical beds, patient lifters, therapeutic surfaces, deep venous thrombosis(DVT) prevention, wound healing a more...
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  1 Home Uterine Activity Monitor suppliers  
FDA Code / Regulation: LQK / 884.2730

A home uterine activity monitor (HUAM) is an electronic system for at home antepartum measurement of uterine contractions, data transmission by telephone to a clinical setting, and for receipt and display of the uterine contraction data at the clinic. The HUAM system comprises a tocotransducer, an at-home recorder, a modem, and a computer and monitor that receive, process, and display data. This device is intended for use in women with a previous preterm delivery to aid in the detection of preterm labor.

Classification. Class II (special controls); guidance document (Class II Special Controls Guidance for Home Uterine Activity Monitors).

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