Profile: Hospira, Inc. focuses on medication delivery systems & critical care devices, which include the next-generation patient-controlled analgesia device, lifeCare PCA®, the plum A+® multichannel infusion pump, Q2+™ continuous cardiac output monitoring device & hospira medNet™ software for plum A+® infusion systems. Our product areas include the operating room and acute-care treatment units such as intensive care & the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Our devices include angiography kits, which aid in viewing the vasculature of the heart, as well as cardiac catheters and monitoring systems that are used to assess cardiac function. Our CLC2000 is a swabable catheter patency device that prevents the backflow of blood in the catheter lumen. The special design of this catheter works to prevent the formation of occlusion, using saline flush. It eliminates negative displacement and offsets this effect with positive displacement.
The company was founded in 1930, has revenues of > USD 1 Billion, has ~16000 employees and is ISO 9002 certified. NYSE:HSP (SEC Filings)
FDA Registration Number: 1925262
• IV Sets |
• IV Stand Accessories, Multi-Infusion Pump |
• Labeling Equipment |
• Laboratory Tubing Clamp |
• Latex Breathing Bags |
• Latex Finger Cots (FDA Code: LZB / 880.6250) A patient examination glove is a disposable device intended for medical purposes that is worn on the examiner's hand or finger to prevent contamination between patient and examiner. |
• Latex Oval Rebreathing Bag |
• Latex Pediatric Rebreathing Bag |
• Lightweight Flat Rebreathing Bag |
• Line-Powered Electrocautery Unit |
• Lipid Standard |
• Luer Fitting Connector |
• Luer Fittings |
• Manual Patient Transfer Device (FDA Code: FMR / 880.6785) A manual patient transfer device is a device consisting of a wheeled stretcher and a mechanism on which a patient can be placed so that the patient can be transferred with minimal disturbance in a horizontal position to the stretcher. |
• Masks & Breathing Bags |
• Medical Tubing Clamps |
• Miscellaneous Injectables |
• MRI Infusion Pump Systems, Infusion System Accessories |
• Multiple Lumen Catheter (FDA Code: GBP / 878.4200) An introduction/drainage catheter is a device that is a flexible single or multilumen tube intended to be used to introduce nondrug fluids into body cavities other than blood vessels, drain fluids from body cavities, or evaluate certain physiologic conditions. Examples include irrigation and drainage catheters, pediatric catheters, peritoneal catheters (including dialysis), and other general surgical catheters. An introduction/drainage catheter accessory is intended to aid in the manipulation of or insertion of the device into the body. Examples of accessories include adaptors, connectors, and catheter needles. |
• Multipurpose Catheter Adapter |
• Muscle Relaxants |
• Neoprene Pecan Shape Breathing Bag with Neck Insert |
• Neoprene Pecan Shape Breathing Bag without Neck Insert |
• Nervous System |
• Non Dental Irrigating Syringe (FDA Code: KYZ / 880.6960) An irrigating syringe is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a bulb or a piston syringe with an integral or a detachable tube. The device is used to irrigate, withdraw fluid from, or instill fluid into, a body cavity or wound. |
• Non-Depolarising Muscle Relaxants |
• Non-Invasive Blood-Pressure Measurement System (FDA Code: DXN / 870.1130) A noninvasive blood pressure measurement system is a device that provides a signal from which systolic, diastolic, mean, or any combination of the three pressures can be derived through the use of tranducers placed on the surface of the body. |
• Non-Latex Breathing Bags |
• Non-Powered Breast Pump (FDA Code: HGY / 884.5150) A nonpowered breast pump is a manual suction device used to express milk from the breast. |
• Nutritional & Electrolyte Repl |
• Ophthalmic Irrigating Solutions (OISs) |
• Oximeters (FDA Code: DQA / 870.2700) An oximeter is a device used to transmit radiation at a known wavelength(s) through blood and to measure the blood oxygen saturation based on the amount of reflected or scattered radiation. It may be used alone or in conjunction with a fiberoptic oximeter catheter. |
• Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Infusion Pump (FDA Code: MEA / 880.5725) An infusion pump is a device used in a health care facility to pump fluids into a patient in a controlled manner. The device may use a piston pump, a roller pump, or a peristaltic pump and may be powered electrically or mechanically. The device may also operate using a constant force to propel the fluid through a narrow tube which determines the flow rate. The device may include means to detect a fault condition, such as air in, or blockage of, the infusion line and to activate an alarm. |
• PCA Pumps, Infusion Pump |
• Peristaltic Infusion Pump (FDA Code: FRN / 880.5725) |
• Physiological Signal Amplifier (FDA Code: GWL / 882.1835) A physiological signal amplifier is a general purpose device used to electrically amplify signals derived from various physiological sources (e.g., the electroencephalogram). |
• Piston Syringe (FDA Code: FMF / 880.5860) A piston syringe is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a calibrated hollow barrel and a movable plunger. At one end of the barrel there is a male connector (nozzle) for fitting the female connector (hub) of a hypodermic single lumen needle. The device is used to inject fluids into, or withdraw fluids from, the body. |
• Plastic Tubing Clamp |
• Polyvinyl Chloride Tubing |
• Port Catheter |
• Prepierced Reseal Connector |
• Pressure Infusor for I.V. Bags (FDA Code: KZD / 880.5420) A pressure infusor for an I.V. bag is a device consisting of an inflatable cuff which is placed around an I.V. bag. When the device is inflated, it increases the pressure on the I.V. bag to assist the infusion of the fluid. |
• Pressure Monitoring Kit |
• Pressure Transducer Dome |
• Product Development, Hand-held Infusion Pump Controller |
• Product Development, Infusion Pumps |
• Pulmonary Artery Catheters |
• Rebreathing Bag Conductive Latex Stretch Neck |
• Rebreathing Bags |
• Rebreathing Bags in Black Rubber |