 Preps & Swabs Suppliers > Hydrate, Inc.

Hydrate, Inc.

Contact: Michael Judge
Address: 2943 Oak Lake Blvd., Midlothian, Virginia 23112, USA
Phone: +1-(877)-236-7239 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Hydrate, Inc. offers hydrate Omni™ and C-Force™ technology. Our hydrate Omni™ is designed to effectively filter, heat and humidify the air. Depending on ambient conditions, inhaled gas is heated to 37°C and humidified to 100% relative humidity. The point where the gas is fully heated and humidified is called the isothermic saturation boundary and typically occurs before the fourth or fifth generation of subsegmental bronchi. For high flow gas therapy, it fully saturates up to 40 l/min of inspired gas at body temperature delivered by means of a nasal cannula. Our capillary force vaporizer (CFV) is the heart of the hydrate humidification system and is housed inside the C-Force™. It is made of advanced ceramic materials which are engineered specifically for water; the CFV works by absorbing liquids through the bottom of the disk by capillary action.

15 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Clinical Humidifiers
• Direct Patient Interface Nebulizer (FDA Code: CAF / 868.5630)
A nebulizer is a device intended to spray liquids in aerosol form into gases that are delivered directly to the patient for breathing. Heated, ultrasonic, gas, venturi, and refillable nebulizers are included in this generic type of device.
• Direct Patient Interface Respiratory Gas Humidifier (FDA Code: BTT / 868.5450)
A respiratory gas humidifier is a device that is intended to add moisture to, and sometimes to warm, the breathing gases for administration to a patient. Cascade, gas, heated, and prefilled humidifiers are included in this generic type of device.
• Electrical Nebulizer Pump (FDA Code: JPW / 874.5220)
An ear, nose, and throat drug administration device is one of a group of ear, nose, and throat devices intended specifically to administer medicinal substances to treat ear, nose, and throat disorders. These instruments include the powder blower, dropper, ear wick, manual nebulizer pump, and nasal inhaler.
• ENT Applicator (FDA Code: KCJ / 874.5220)
• ENT Drug Applicator (FDA Code: LRD / 874.5220)
• Humidifiers
• Nasal Cannulas
• Oxygen Masks (FDA Code: BYG / 868.5580)
An oxygen mask is a device placed over a patient's nose, mouth, or tracheostomy to administer oxygen or aerosols.
• Peristaltic Pumps
• Portable Air Compressor (FDA Code: BTI / 868.6250)
A portable air compressor is a device intended to provide compressed air for medical purposes, e.g., to drive ventilators and other respiratory devices.
• Pressure Tubing and Accessories (FDA Code: BYX / 868.5860)
Pressure tubing and accessories are flexible or rigid devices intended to deliver pressurized medical gases.
• Therapeutic Incentive Spirometer (FDA Code: BWF / 868.5690)
An incentive spirometer is a device that indicates a patient's breathing volume or flow and that provides an incentive to the patient to improve his or her ventilation.
• Tracheotomy Instrument
• Venturi Low Concentration Oxygen Mask (FDA Code: BYF / 868.5600)
A venturi mask is a device containing an air-oxygen mixing mechanism that dilutes 100 percent oxygen to a predetermined concentration and delivers the mixed gases to a patient.

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