 Disposable Umbilical Cannula Suppliers > Integrated Modular Systems Inc

Integrated Modular Systems Inc

Address: 2500 W Township Line Rd, Havertown, Pennsylvania 19083, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-2209729 | Fax: +1-(610)-7897730 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Integrated Modular Systems Inc develops, installs and interfaces radiology & imaging department software. We offer RIS.PACS, a web-based image providing access to radiology information system functions. We focus on radiology, orthopaedics, cardiology and general medicine. Our services include DDICOM networks & networking, interface consulting, data migration tools and techniques. We also install and integrate digitizers into any environment requiring document or film scanning.

The company was founded in 1980, has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~10 employees and is ISO, CE certified.

1 to 50 of 79 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 50 Results
• 3D Imaging Accessories
• 3D Imaging Consulting Service
• 3D Imaging Device Repair Service
• 3D Imaging Device Spares
• 3D Imaging Devices
• 3D Imaging Installation Service
• Architectural Consulting Services
• Archiving & Storage Kits
• ASP Consulting Services
• Asset Management Services Consulting Service
• Camera Tubes Consulting Service
• Cameras Consulting Service
• CCD Tubes Consulting Service
• Collimators Consulting Service
• Computed Radiography Consulting Service
• Computed Tomography Consulting Service
• Computer Equipment
• Computer Softwares
• Consulting Services
• Consulting Services
• Cryogen Consulting Service
• Dark Room Equipment Consulting Services
• Diagnostic Consulting Services
• Dictation Systems
• Digital Radiographic Mobile X-Ray System
• DR (Digital Radiography) Consulting Service
• Electrical Gastrointestinal Motility Analyzer (FDA Code: FFX / 876.1725)
A gastrointestinal motility monitoring system is a device used to measure peristalic activity or pressure in the stomach or esophagus by means of a probe with transducers that is introduced through the mouth into the gastrointestinal tract. The device may include signal conditioning, amplifying, and recording equipment. This generic type of device includes the esophageal motility monitor and tube, the gastrointestinal motility (electrical) system, and certain accessories, such as a pressure transducer, amplifier, and external recorder.
• Endoscopic Image Computer
• ENT Computer Software
• Facility-consulting Services
• Film Consulting Service
• Film Digitizers
• Film Holders/Cassettes Consulting Service
• Fluoroscopic Image Storage Device
• Laser Imagers Consulting Service
• Mammography Consulting Service
• Management Consulting, Onsite Consulting Service
• Medical Computer and Software (FDA Code: LNX)
• Medical Imaging Consulting Service
• Mobile Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (FDA Code: IZL / 892.1720)
A mobile x-ray system is a transportable device system intended to be used to generate and control x-ray for diagnostic procedures. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts, and accessories.
• Mobile X-Ray System (FDA Code: IZL / 892.1720)
• Motorized Mobile X-Ray System
• Non-Invasive Sonic Bone Analyzer
• Nuclear Medicine Consulting Service
• Nursing Computer Software
• Oncology Radiation Consulting Service
• Patient Data Management Computer
• Physiological Monitors Network and Communication System (FDA Code: MSX / 870.2300)
A cardiac monitor (including cardiotachometer and rate alarm) is a device used to measure the heart rate from an analog signal produced by an electrocardiograph, vectorcardiograph, or blood pressure monitor. This device may sound an alarm when the heart rate falls outside preset upper and lower limits.
• Picture Archiving & Communications Systems
• Picture Archiving Repair Services

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