Address: Lakson Square Bldg. #2, Sarwar Shaheed Rd., Karachi 74200, Pakistan
www.accuray.com.pk |
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Phone: +92-(21)-5681419
FDA Registration: 8040265 Year Established: 1981
Quality: ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003, CE Certified
Products: Vaginal Retractors (FDA Code:
HDL), Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Bone Hooks (FDA Code:
KIK), Bone Rasps (FDA Code:
HTR), ...
Accuray Surgicals Ltd. deals with the manufacturing of surgical, dental and veterinary instruments. Our product list comprises of operating scissors, bandage scissors, thumb dressing forceps, retracto
Address: Small Industries Estate, Sialkot 22161, Pakistan
Phone: +92-(432)-256627
FDA Registration: 8043752
Products: Vaginal Retractors (FDA Code:
HDL), Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), ...
M.J. Instruments Company (Pvt) Ltd. is a manufacturer of cutting forceps, biopsy forceps, rongeurs, and anoscopes.
Address: Hilbro Industrial Park, 12 km, Daska Road, Sialkot, Punjab 51040, Pakistan
w3.hilbro.net |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +92-(52)-6526881, 6526882
FDA Registration: 3003431869 Quality: ISO-9002/13485, CE Certified
Products: Vaginal Retractors (FDA Code:
HDL), Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Bone Rasps (FDA Code:
HTR), ...
Hilbro International (Pvt) Limited is a manufacturer of surgical and dental instruments. We offer products for diagnostics, anesthesia, bone surgery, neuro surgery, tracheotomy, cardiovascular, goitre
Address: E-3 Krishna Nagar, Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110051, India
Phone: +91-(11)-22094882
Products: Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code:
HNW), Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code:
HOE), Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code:
HNF), Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), Surgical Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), ...
Major Surgical & Engineering Works is a provider of disposable surgical instruments, retinal implants and surgical blades.
Address: G.I. D.C. Industrial Estate, Plot No. 701-703, Sector 28, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382028, India
Phone: +91-(79)-23211431
FDA Registration: 9617768
Products: Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code:
HNW), Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code:
HOE), Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code:
HNF), Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), Surgical Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), ...
Kdans Surgical Private Limited offers ophthalmic forceps and cannula, iris retractor, cystotome, depressors and dialators. We also offer spatula, scissors, hooks, probes, erisophake and ophthalmic cal
Address: 123 Kaliandas Udyog Bhuvan, Near Century Bazar, Prabhadevi, Bombay, Maharashtra 400025, India
indogerman.com |
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Phone: +91-(22)-2422 1809, 2430 0583
FDA Registration: 8040381
Products: Lacrimal Dilators and Cannulas, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Blade Holders, Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Wilder Lacrimal Dilators, Lacrimal Dilators and Probes, ...
Indo German Surgical Corporation is a manufacturer of ophthalmic instruments. Our stainless steel products include speculum, retractors, knives, keratomes, dissectors, spatula, polishers, lens loops,
Address: 123 Kaliandas Udyog Bhuvan, Prabhadevi, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400025, India
www.indogerman.com |
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Phone: +91-(22)-24221809, 24300583
FDA Registration: 8040381
Products: Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Flieringa Scleral Fixation Rings, Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code:
HNW), Trabeculotome (FDA Code:
HMZ), Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code:
HOE), ...
Indo-German Surgical Corporation produces micro ophthalmic instruments of global standard. Our product line comprises of stainless steel speculums, retractors, knives, keratomes, phaco chops, nucleus
Address: 83/76/61, Mehta Industrial Estate, 2nd Floor, Liberty Garden, Road No. 3, Malad (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 064, India
www.jaywantsurgical.net |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +91-(22)-28891521
Products: Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Wilder Lacrimal Dilators, Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code:
HNW), Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code:
HNF), Ophthalmic Forceps (FDA Code:
HNR), Trabeculotomy Probes (FDA Code:
HNK), ...
Jaywant Surgical Works manufactures and exports surgical instruments and ophthalmic instruments. We deal with corneal forceps, cutters, retractors, scissors, surgical probes, needle holders, medical n
Address: G-6 Gee Cee Crescent, 114, Ponamallee High Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 60084, India
www.gescoindia.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +91-(44)-2825 96 02
FDA Registration: 9613926 Quality: ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Products: Vaginal Retractors (FDA Code:
HDL), Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Surgical Marking Pens (FDA Code:
HRP), Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), ...
General Surgical Co., (india) Pvt. Ltd. is a manufacturer of surgical instruments. We produce medical & surgical disposables, general, ENT, neuro & spinal, orthopedic, gynecology & obstetrics, plastic
Address: 8/8 Strachy Rd, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 211001, India
Phone: +91-(532)-3290204
Products: Schirmer Strips (FDA Code:
KYD), Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), Surgical Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), Ophthalmic Aspiration Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), Ophthalmic Forceps (FDA Code:
HNR), Corneal Radius Measurement Instrument (FDA Code:
HJB), ...
Tarun Enterprises offers ophthalmic surgical and medical instruments. We also provide ophthalmic knives, ophthalmic forceps, surgical ophthalmic cannulas and ophthalmic AC-powered operating microscope
Address: 36 Lenin Sarani, Calcutta, West Bengal 700013, India
Phone: +91-(33)-22449576, 800-354-7848
Products: Lacrimal Dilators and Cannulas, Wilder Lacrimal Dilators, Lacrimal Dilators and Probes, Trabeculotomy Probes, Double Ended Lacrimal Dilator, Disposable Lacrimal Dilators, ...
Leonids Traders Pvt. Ltd. provides ophthalmic instruments. Our products include corneal measuring device, trephine, trial frame, lens clip, scissors, syringe, lens gauge, stand, cannula, spud, spoon,
Address: 12/3, Tamer Lane, Calcutta, West Bengal 700009, India
Phone: +91-(33)-22410194
FDA Registration: 8040382
Products: Lacrimal Dilators and Cannulas, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Wilder Lacrimal Dilators, Lacrimal Dilators and Probes, Trabeculotomy Probes, ...
Paul Instruments (india) provides ophthalmic instruments. Our products include caliper, trephine, trial frame, lens clip, trial set, scissors, syringe, lens gauge, cannula, spud, spoon, specula, spatu
Address: Ukilpara, Baruipur, Ward Number -15, Kolkata, West Bengal 700144, India
www.indowebal.com |
Phone: +91-(33)-243-38997
FDA Registration: 3005869073 Quality: ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Products: Speculums, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Retractors, Choppers, Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Surgical Scissors, ...
Indo Webal Surgical specializes in the production of micro ophthalmic surgical instruments and surgical knives. Our products include blade breaker holders, calipers, cannula, cauteries, clips, corneal
Address: Hertzstrasse 4, Heidelberg D-69126, Germany
www.geuder.de |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +49-(6221)-306-706
FDA Registration: 9616245
Products: Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code:
HOE), Surgical Skin Markers (FDA Code:
FZZ), Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code:
HNF), Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), Surgical Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), ...
Geuder AG is a manufacturer of ophthalmic instruments and systems. We develop ophthalmic surgical products of the utmost quality based on tradition. The ophthalmological systems developed and manufact
Address: Kapuzinerweg 12, Stuttgart 70374, Germany
www.morcher.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +49-(711)-95320-0
FDA Registration: 9617458
Products: AC-Powered Keratoscope (FDA Code:
HLQ), Endocapsular Ring (FDA Code:
MRJ), Iris Retractor Clip (FDA Code:
HOC), Ophthalmic Ring (FDA Code:
HNH), ...
Morcher Gmbh specializes in manufacturing intraocular lenses and eye implants. Our product line includes aniridia implants, capsular rings, foldable IOL, PMMA IOL and special implants. Our aniridia im
Address: Stockacher Str. 138, Tuttlingen D-78532, Germany
www.albert-heiss.de |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +49-(7461)-2527
FDA Registration: 8010347
Products: Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code:
HNW), Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code:
HOE), Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code:
HNF), Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), ...
Albert Heiss GmbH & Co. KG manufactures and distributes surgical instruments for ophthalmology. Our products include cannulas, Lasik & Lasek instruments, speculas & retractors, needle holders, forceps
Address: Gartenstrasse 104, Tuttlingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 78532, Germany
Phone: +49-(7461)-9285-0
Products: Lacrimal Dilators and Cannulas, Surgical Marking Pens (FDA Code:
HRP), Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Wilder Lacrimal Dilators, Lacrimal Dilators and Probes, ...
Amarco Medizintechnik Gmbh provides measuring device, manual trephines, scissors, cannula, spoon, speculum, spatula, retractor, needle, knife, hooks, forceps, clamp, eyelid holder, clip, iris retracto
Address: Am Eichbuhl 70-72, Tuttlingen, BW 78532, Germany
www.ustomed.de |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +49-(7461)-965-85-0
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~30
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Lacrimal Dilators and Cannulas, Double Prong Skin Hooks, Single Prong Skin Hooks, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Biopsy Forceps Femoral Approach, Biopsy Forceps, Internal Jugular Approach, ...
Ustomed Instrumente - Ulrich Storz Gmbh & Co. Kg specializes in the manufacture and sale of dental and surgical instruments. We provide instruments for dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, impla
Address: Nasr City Free Industrial Zone, Area 3, Block B, Nasr City 11816, Egypt
www.lifecaresi.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +20-(2)-26720314
Quality: ISO 13485:2003 Certified
Products: Vaginal Retractors (FDA Code:
HDL), Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Bone Hooks (FDA Code:
KIK), ...
Lifecare Surgical focuses on general surgical, dental, veterinary, and electro surgical instruments. We provide knives, scalpels, suture, forceps, probes, spatula, cotton carriers, suction tubes, and
Address: 7a Hillcrest Ave., Epping, Australia
Phone: +61-(02)-9868-3691
Products: Iris Retractor Clip (FDA Code:
HOC), ...
Milvella Pty Ltd. offers sterile pupil dilators.