Address: 22 Kentucky Ave., Paterson, New Jersey 07503, USA
americancomb.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-522-2662
FDA Registration: 2248574
Products: Toothbrushes, Bath Accessories, Brushes, Cosmetic Frame Readers, Utility Brushes, Cosmetic Creams & Lotions, Environmental Protection Products, ...
American Comb Corp. is a manufacturer of plastic products and accessories. We suupply to retail & wholesale. We specialize in the areas of institutional supply and professional beauty. We also offer l
Address: 4747 Cote-Vertu, St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1C9, Canada
www.symaksales.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(514)-336-8780
Products: Contact Lens (FDA Code:
HQD), Toothbrushes, Digital Thermometers, Tongue Cleaner, Pill Box, Pill Splitter, ...
Symak Sales Co., Inc. focuses on import and export of healthcare products. Our products include medicine spoons, pill crushers, medicine droppers, digital clinical thermometers & dust and germ masks.