
Laborie Medical Technologies

Contact: Shannon Aharonian - Marketing Assistant
Address: 400 Avenue D, Suite10, Williston, Vermont 05495-7828, USA
Phone: +1-(802)-857-1300, 800-522-6743 | Fax: +1-(802)-878-1122 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Laborie Medical Technologies produces urodynamics equipment. We offer products like urodynamics, pelvi muscle rehabilitation, anorectal manometry, NuWav ultrasound, software, disposables & urodynamic procedure table. Our Delphis is an ideal UDS system for any clinical setting. It offers a compact and wireless approach to conducting UDS procedures. Delphis with Bluetooth® allows focusing on the patient while enjoying true freedom of movement. Urostym provides the most current protocols for the treatment of urinary incontinence. It generates reports quickly and easily that include complete patient information for analysis, treatment, and results. Our anorectal manometry (ARM) system allows physicians to perform the latest in manometric assessments related to fecal incontinence. It provides diagnostically encompassing protocols and calculations meeting the various needs of physicians interested in anorectal manometry. ARM software allows users to customize their protocols, and easily preview & print reports. Diagnostically, our software can generate data including maximum resting & squeeze pressure, rectal sensation, anal canal length, rectoanal inhibitor reflex, rectal compliance, rectal capacity, vectorial volume, fatigue rate index and ultra slow wave analysis.

The company was founded in 1977, has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~50 employees and is ISO 9000, ISO 9001, CE certified.

FDA Registration Number: 9681424
US Agent: Robyn Long / Unisensor Usa Inc.
Phone: +1-(603)-570-2675  Fax: +1-(603)-570-2676  E-Mail:

1 to 50 of 81 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 50 Results
• 24 Hour Uroflowmetry System
• Abdominal Probe Ultrasound System
• Air Charged Calibrator Chambers
• Air-Charged Catheters
• Anal Manometry Probes
• Anal Pressure Tubing
• Anal Probes
• Anorectal Manometry (ARM) System
• Anorectal Manometry System Software
• Brachytherapy C-Arm Table
• Brachytherapy Table Systems
• Brush Biopsy Sets
• Brush Biopsy Test Equipment
• Catheter Punch Instrument (FDA Code: FEX / 876.5090)
A suprapubic urological catheter and accessories is a flexible tubular device that is inserted through the abdominal wall into the urinary bladder with the aid of a trocar and cannula. The device is used to pass fluids to and from the urinary tract. This generic type of device includes the suprapubic catheter and tube, Malecot catheter, catheter punch instrument, suprapubic drainage tube, and the suprapubic cannula and trocar.
• Color Uroflowmetry System
• Computerized Urodynamics Equipment
• Coronary Flow Reserve (CFR) Devices
• Cystometric Gas on Hydraulic Device (FDA Code: FAP / 876.1620)
A urodynamics measurement system is a device used to measure volume and pressure in the urinary bladder when it is filled through a catheter with carbon dioxide or water. The device controls the supply of carbon dioxide or water and may also record the electrical activity of the muscles associated with urination. The device system may include transducers, electronic signal conditioning and display equipment, a catheter withdrawal device to enable a urethral pressure profile to be obtained, and special catheters for urethral profilometry and electrodes for electromyography. This generic type of device includes the cystometric gas (carbon dioxide) device, the cystometric hydrualic device, and the electrical recording cystometer, but excludes any device that uses air to fill the bladder.
• Deflectable Brush Biopsy Set
• Diagnostic Ultrasonic Transducer (FDA Code: ITX / 892.1570)
A diagnostic ultrasonic transducer is a device made of a piezoelectric material that converts electrical signals into acoustic signals and acoustic signals into electrical signals and intended for use in diagnostic ultrasonic medical devices. Accessories of this generic type of device may include transmission media for acoustically coupling the transducer to the body surface, such as acoustic gel, paste, or a flexible fluid container.
• Disposable Injection Needle
• Electrical Gastrointestinal Motility Analyzer (FDA Code: FFX / 876.1725)
A gastrointestinal motility monitoring system is a device used to measure peristalic activity or pressure in the stomach or esophagus by means of a probe with transducers that is introduced through the mouth into the gastrointestinal tract. The device may include signal conditioning, amplifying, and recording equipment. This generic type of device includes the esophageal motility monitor and tube, the gastrointestinal motility (electrical) system, and certain accessories, such as a pressure transducer, amplifier, and external recorder.
• Electrical Recording Cystometer (FDA Code: EXQ / 876.1620)
• Electromyographic Electrode
• EMG Lead Set
• EMG Patch Electrodes
• Evoked Response Electrical Stimulator (FDA Code: GWF / 882.1870)
An evoked response electrical stimulator is a device used to apply an electrical stimulus to a patient by means of skin electrodes for the purpose of measuring the evoked response.
• Exam Tables
• Examination/Treatment Table
• Extension Tubing without Stopcock
• Fluoroscopy Operating Table
• Fluoroscopy Procedure Tables
• Folding Commode Chairs
• Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) Devices
• Gastro-Urology Endoscopic Injection Needle (FDA Code: FBK / 876.1500)
An endoscope and accessories is a device used to provide access, illumination, and allow observation or manipulation of body cavities, hollow organs, and canals. The device consists of various rigid or flexible instruments that are inserted into body spaces and may include an optical system for conveying an image to the user's eye and their accessories may assist in gaining access or increase the versatility and augment the capabilities of the devices. Examples of devices that are within this generic type of device include cleaning accessories for endoscopes, photographic accessories for endoscopes, nonpowered anoscopes, binolcular attachments for endoscopes, pocket battery boxes, flexible or rigid choledochoscopes, colonoscopes, diagnostic cystoscopes, cystourethroscopes, enteroscopes, esophagogastroduodenoscopes, rigid esophagoscopes, fiberoptic illuminators for endoscopes, incandescent endoscope lamps, biliary pancreatoscopes, proctoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, sigmoidoscopes, ureteroscopes, urethroscopes, endomagnetic retrievers, cytology brushes for endoscopes, and lubricating jelly for transurethral surgical instruments. This section does not apply to endoscopes that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations.
• Graduated Urine Beakers
• Gynecology / Urology Procedure Chairs
• Home Uroflowmetry System
• Hydraulic Cystometric Device (FDA Code: FEN / 876.1620)
• Injection Needle
• Manometry Probes
• Medical Computer and Software (FDA Code: LNX)
• Nerve Conduction Velocity Measurement Device (FDA Code: JXE / 882.1550)
A nerve conduction velocity measurement device is a device which measures nerve conduction time by applying a stimulus, usually to a patient's peripheral nerve. This device includes the stimulator and the electronic processing equipment for measuring and displaying the nerve conduction time.
• Non-Implantable Electrical Stimulator (FDA Code: KPI / 876.5320)
A nonimplanted electrical continence device is a device that consists of a pair of electrodes on a plug or a pessary that are connected by an electrical cable to a battery-powered pulse source. The plug or pessary is inserted into the rectum or into the vagina and used to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor to maintain urinary or fecal continence. When necessary, the plug or pessary may be removed by the user. This device excludes an AC-powered nonimplanted electrical continence device and the powered vaginal muscle stimulator for therapeutic use (884.5940).
• Non-Shielded EMG Lead Set
• Non-Sterile Endocavity Probe Covers
• Pediatric Suprapubic Catheter Sets
• Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Probes
• Penile Tumescence Monitor (FDA Code: LIL)
• Perineometer (FDA Code: HIR / 884.1425)
A perineometer is a device consisting of a fluid-filled sack for intravaginal use that is attached to an external manometer. The devices measure the strength of the perineal muscles by offering resistence to a patient's voluntary contractions of these muscles and is used to diagnose and to correct, through exercise, uninary incontinence or sexual dysfunction.

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