 Micro-Introducer Kits Suppliers > Lauder Enterprises, Inc

Lauder Enterprises, Inc

Address: 4754 Shavano Oak, Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78249, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-388-8642 | Fax: +1-(210)-492-1584 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Lauder Enterprises, Inc. is a provider of electro-larynges and voice prosthesis. We also provide voice amplifiers, rechargeable batteries, waistband amplifiers and starter kits. Our Nuvois III digital is an electro-larynge speech aid which include a programmable electronic circuit that allows for full digital control of all functions & this item features volume and tone or pitch buttons for simple tone adjustments. Our shower shield is made of rubber and is worn to prevent water from entering the stoma.

FDA Registration Number: 1649381

4 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Artificial Battery-Powered Larynx (FDA Code: ESE / 874.3375)
A battery-powered artificial larynx is an externally applied device intended for use in the absence of the larynx to produce sound. When held against the skin in the area of the voicebox, the device generates mechanical vibrations which resonate in the oral and nasal cavities and can be modulated by the tongue and lips in a normal manner, thereby allowing the production of speech.
• General Medical Supplies
• Stoma Covers
• Voice Prosthesis

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