
Lemaitre Vascular, Inc.

Contact: Maik D. Helmers - VP Sales
Address: 63 Second Avenue, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, USA
Phone: +1-(781)-221-2266 | Fax: +1-(781)-425-5049 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. is a global provider of devices for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. We develop, manufacture, and market disposable & implantable vascular devices to address the needs of vascular surgeons & interventionalists. Our product portfolio consists of brand name products used in arteries and veins outside of the heart. We offer stent grafts, biologic vascular patch, carotid shunts, covered stents, contrast injector, and implantable ports. The UniFit aorto-uni-iliac stent graft has a patented construction, that permits usage in angulated anatomies with lowered risk of kinking or luminal construction. Its configurations include straight and tapered versions as large as 36 mm in diameter & 20 cm in length, with pre-loaded & cartridge loaded delivery options. The Pruitt F3 carotid shunt is made with a flexible material that is resistant to kinking, and is color-coded for easy identification.

The company was founded in 1983, has revenues of USD 25-50 Million, has ~250 employees and is ISO 9001, CE certified. NASDAQ:LMAT (SEC Filings)

FDA Registration Number: 1220948

50 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adhesive Bandage Strip
• Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code: KGX / 880.5240)
A medical adhesive tape or adhesive bandage is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a strip of fabric material or plastic, coated on one side with an adhesive, and may include a pad of surgical dressing without a disinfectant. The device is used to cover and protect wounds, to hold together the skin edges of a wound, to support an injured part of the body, or to secure objects to the skin.
• Angiographic Injector and Syringe (FDA Code: DXT / 870.1650)
An angiographic injector and syringe is a device that consists of a syringe and a high-pressure injector which are used to inject contrast material into the heart, great vessels, and coronary arteries to study the heart and vessels by x-ray photography.
• Arterial Catheterization Kit
• Arterial Catheters
• Audiovisual Training Material
• Balloon Shunts
• Biliary Stone Dislodger (FDA Code: LQR / 876.5010)
A biliary catheter and accessories is a tubular flexible device used for temporary or prolonged drainage of the biliary tract, for splinting of the bile duct during healing, or for preventing stricture of the bile duct. This generic type of device may include a bile collecting bag that is attached to the biliary catheter by a connector and fastened to the patient with a strap.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Vascular Catheter (FDA Code: DWF / 870.4210)
A cardiopulmonary bypass vascular catheter, cannula, or tubing is a device used in cardiopulmonary surgery to cannulate the vessels, perfuse the coronary arteries, and to interconnect the catheters and cannulas with an oxygenator. The device includes accessory bypass equipment.
• Carotid Shunt Clamps
• Carotid Shunts
• Catheter Tip Occluder (FDA Code: DQT / 870.1370)
A catheter tip occluder is a device that is inserted into certain catheters to prevent flow through one or more orifices.
• Cholangiogram Catheters
• Cholangiography Catheters (FDA Code: GBZ / 878.4200)
An introduction/drainage catheter is a device that is a flexible single or multilumen tube intended to be used to introduce nondrug fluids into body cavities other than blood vessels, drain fluids from body cavities, or evaluate certain physiologic conditions. Examples include irrigation and drainage catheters, pediatric catheters, peritoneal catheters (including dialysis), and other general surgical catheters. An introduction/drainage catheter accessory is intended to aid in the manipulation of or insertion of the device into the body. Examples of accessories include adaptors, connectors, and catheter needles.
• Coronary Stent Graft System
• Disposable Suture Needle (FDA Code: GAB / 878.4800)
A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892.
• Disposable Vein Stripper (FDA Code: GAJ / 878.4800)
• Elastic Adhesive Bandages
• Embolectomy Catheters (FDA Code: DXE / 870.5150)
An embolectomy catheter is a balloon-tipped catheter that is used to remove thromboemboli, i.e., blood clots which have migrated in blood vessels from one site in the vascular tree to another.
• Expandable Tracheal Prosthesis (FDA Code: JCT / 878.3720)
The tracheal prosthesis is a rigid, flexible, or expandable tubular device made of a silicone, metal, or polymeric material that is intended to be implanted to restore the structure and/or function of the trachea or trachealbronchial tree. It may be unbranched or contain one or two branches. The metal tracheal prosthesis may be uncovered or covered with a polymeric material. This device may also include a device delivery system.
• External Carotid Shunts
• External Thigh/Knee/Shank/Ankle/Foot Assembly (FDA Code: KFX / 890.3500)
An external assembled lower limb prosthesis is a device that is intended for medical purposes and is a preassembled external artificial limb for the lower extremity. Examples of external assembled lower limb prostheses are the following: Knee/shank/ankle/foot assembly and thigh/knee/shank/ankle/foot assembly.
• External Vein Stripper (FDA Code: DWQ / 870.4885)
An external vein stripper is an extravascular device used to remove a section of a vein.
• Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages
• Flow Directed Catheter (FDA Code: DYG / 870.1240)
A flow-directed catheter is a device that incorporates a gas-filled balloon to help direct the catheter to the desired position.
• Forceps (FDA Code: HTD / 878.4800)
• General & Plastic Surgery Laparoscope (FDA Code: GCJ / 876.1500)
An endoscope and accessories is a device used to provide access, illumination, and allow observation or manipulation of body cavities, hollow organs, and canals. The device consists of various rigid or flexible instruments that are inserted into body spaces and may include an optical system for conveying an image to the user's eye and their accessories may assist in gaining access or increase the versatility and augment the capabilities of the devices. Examples of devices that are within this generic type of device include cleaning accessories for endoscopes, photographic accessories for endoscopes, nonpowered anoscopes, binolcular attachments for endoscopes, pocket battery boxes, flexible or rigid choledochoscopes, colonoscopes, diagnostic cystoscopes, cystourethroscopes, enteroscopes, esophagogastroduodenoscopes, rigid esophagoscopes, fiberoptic illuminators for endoscopes, incandescent endoscope lamps, biliary pancreatoscopes, proctoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, sigmoidoscopes, ureteroscopes, urethroscopes, endomagnetic retrievers, cytology brushes for endoscopes, and lubricating jelly for transurethral surgical instruments. This section does not apply to endoscopes that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations.
• General & Plastic Surgery Surgical Spatula (FDA Code: GAF / 878.4800)
• Hemostatic Clip Applier (FDA Code: HBT / 878.4800)
• Implantable Clip (FDA Code: FZP / 878.4300)
An implantable clip is a clip-like device intended to connect internal tissues to aid healing. It is not absorbable.
• Implantable Ports
• Implanted Subcutaneous Intravascular Port & Catheter (FDA Code: LJT / 880.5965)
A subcutaneous, implanted, intravascular infusion port and catheter is a device that consists of a subcutaneous, implanted reservoir that connects to a long-term intravascular catheter. The device allows for repeated access to the vascular system for the infusion of fluids and medications and the sampling of blood. The device consists of a portal body with a resealable septum and outlet made of metal, plastic, or combination of these materials and a long-term intravascular catheter is either preattached to the port or attached to the port at the time of device placement. The device is available in various profiles and sizes and can be of a single or multiple lumen design.
• Internal Carotid Shunts
• Intraluminal Artery Stripper (FDA Code: DWX / 870.4875)
An intraluminal artery stripper is a device used to perform an endarterectomy (removal of plaque deposits from arterisclerotic arteries.)
• Micro Vascular Clips
• Non-Adhesive Bandages
• Occlusion Catheter
• Polypropylene PTFE PETP Pledget and Intracardiac Patch (FDA Code: DXZ / 870.3470)
An intracardiac patch or pledget made of polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, or polytetrafluoroethylene is a fabric device placed in the heart that is used to repair septal defects, for patch grafting, to repair tissue, and to buttress sutures.
• Reusable Vein Stripper (FDA Code: GAI / 878.4800)
• Ruler and Caliper (FDA Code: FTY / 878.4800)
• Stainless Steel Tunneler Vascular Graft (FDA Code: MZY / 870.3450)
A vascular graft prosthesis is an implanted device intended to repair, replace, or bypass sections of native or artificial vessels, excluding coronary or cerebral vasculature, and to provide vascular access. It is commonly constructed of materials such as polyethylene terephthalate and polytetrafluoroethylene, and it may be coated with a biological coating, such as albumin or collagen, or a synthetic coating, such as silicone. The graft structure itself is not made of materials of animal origin, including human umbilical cords.
• Surgical Mesh (FDA Code: FTM / 878.3300)
Surgical mesh is a metallic or polymeric screen intended to be implanted to reinforce soft tissue or bone where weakness exists. Examples of surgical mesh are metallic and polymeric mesh for hernia repair, and acetabular and cement restrictor mesh used during orthopedic surgery.
• Surgical Retractor (FDA Code: GAD / 878.4800)
• Surgical Retractor Systems (FDA Code: GAD / 878.4800)
• Synthetic/Biological Composite Vascular Graft (FDA Code: MAL / 870.3450)
• Temporary Intravascular Occluding Catheter (FDA Code: MJN / 870.4450)
A vascular clamp is a surgical instrument used to occlude a blood vessel temporarily.
• Temporary Microvascular Clips, Neurosurgery
• Valvulotome (FDA Code: MGZ / 870.4885)
• Vascular Clips (FDA Code: DSS / 870.3250)
A vascular clip is an implanted extravascular device designed to occlude, by compression, blood flow in small blood vessels other than intracranial vessels.
• Vascular Stent

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