 X-Ray Film Cover Suppliers > Liko North America

Liko North America

Contact: Lorrie Spencer - Marketing Assistant
Address: 122 Grove Street, Franklin, Massachusetts 02038, USA
Phone: +1-(888)-545-6671 | Fax: +1-(508)-528-6671 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Liko North America is engaged in the production of patient lifts. We offer rail systems, freestanding and pool lifts. Our reversible overhad lift system has the lifting capacity ranging from 440 lbs. Our poolside lifter includes wall-mounted or in-floor. Our LikoStrech 600 IC straps are inserted under the patient with a flexible spatula and turnings of the patient are avoided. UltraStretch is used together with the ultratwin overhead lift system and has a maximum load of up to 500 kg.

FDA Registration Number: 8030916
US Agent: N/a / N/a

19 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Ac-Powered Patient Lifts (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and slings to support the patient.
• Aquatic Pool Lifts
• Bariatric Electric Patient Lift
• Bariatric Equipment
• Bathing & Dressing Kits
• Battery Powered Patient Lift
• Chrome Standard Patient Lift
• Electric Patient Lift
• Hydraulic Patient Lifter
• Lifts/transfer Devices
• Mechanical Bathing Lifts
• Patient Lift Replacement Parts
• Patient Lifters (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Patient Lifts and Accessories (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Powered Bath Lifts
• Rehabilitation Equipment, Patient Lifts And Slings
• Rehabilitation Gait Training Kits
• Replacement Patient Lift-Slings
• Transfer Patient Lifts

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