 Automatic Transport Ventilator Case Suppliers > Link Treasure Limited Taiwan Branch

Link Treasure Limited Taiwan Branch

Contact: Jen, Ke-Min
Address: No.22, Kuang-Fu Road, Chia-Tai Industrial, Tai Pao City, Chia Yi Hsien 61252, Taiwan
Phone: +886-(3)-5208829 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Link Treasure Limited Taiwan Branch offers AC-powered patient lifts, disabled and handicapped manual wheelchairs, disabled and handicapped motorized 3-wheeled vehicles & disabled and handicapped hygiene adaptors. We also provide feeding needles, hot and cold water bottles, mechanical walkers, mechanical wheelchairs, patient lifters, patient lifts and accessories, powered wheelchairs & wheelchair accessories.

15 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Ac-Powered Patient Lifts (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and slings to support the patient.
• Disabled/Handicapped Hygiene Adaptor (FDA Code: ILS / 890.5050)
A daily activity assist device is a modified adaptor or utensil (e.g., a dressing, grooming, recreational activity, transfer, eating, or homemaking aid) that is intended for medical purposes to assist a patient to perform a specific function.
• Disabled/Handicapped Manual Wheelchair (FDA Code: IOR / 890.3850)
A mechanical wheelchair is a manually operated device with wheels that is intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position.
• Disabled/Handicapped Motorized 3-Wheeled Vehicle (FDA Code: INI / 890.3800)
A motorized three-wheeled vehicle is a gasoline-fueled or battery-powered device intended for medical purposes that is used for outside transportation by disabled persons.
• Feeding Needles (FDA Code: FNN / 880.5640)
A lamb feeding nipple is a device intended for use as a feeding nipple for infants with oral or facial abnormalities.
• Hot/Cold Water Bottle (FDA Code: FPF / 880.6085)
A hot/cold water bottle is a device intended for medical purposes that is in the form of a container intended to be filled with hot or cold water to apply heat or cold to an area of the body.
• Infusion Stand (FDA Code: FOX / 880.6990)
The infusion stand is a stationary or movable stand intended to hold infusion liquids, infusion accessories, and other medical devices.
• Lumbosacral Orthosis (FDA Code: IPY / 890.3490)
A truncal orthosis is a device intended for medical purposes to support or to immobilize fractures, strains, or sprains of the neck or trunk of the body. Examples of truncal orthoses are the following: Abdominal, cervical, cervical-thoracic, lumbar, lumbo-sacral, rib fracture, sacroiliac, and thoracic orthoses and clavicle splints.
• Mechanical Walker (FDA Code: ITJ / 890.3825)
A mechanical walker is a four-legged device with a metal frame intended for medical purposes to provide moderate weight support while walking. It is used by disabled persons who lack strength, good balance, or endurance.
• Mechanical Wheelchair (FDA Code: IOR / 890.3850)
• Patient Lifters (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Patient Lifts and Accessories (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Powered Wheelchair (FDA Code: ITI / 890.3860)
A powered wheelchair is a battery-operated device with wheels that is intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position.
• Recreational Adaptor (FDA Code: ILT / 890.5050)
• Wheelchair Accessories (FDA Code: KNO / 890.3910)
A wheelchair accessory is a device intended for medical purposes that is sold separately from a wheelchair and is intended to meet the specific needs of a patient who uses a wheelchair. Examples of wheelchair accessories include but are not limited to the following: armboard, lapboard, pusher cuff, crutch and cane holder, overhead suspension sling, head and trunk support, and blanket and leg rest strap.

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