
Marconi Medizintechnik Deutschland GmbH

Address: Robert Bosch Str 11, Hofheim 65719, Germany
Phone: +49-(6122)-9140 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Marconi Medizintechnik Deutschland GmbH offers medical products.

The company has revenues of USD 100-500 Million, has ~500 employees and is CE certified.

1 to 50 of 112 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 3 >> Next 50 Results
• 3-Phase High Voltage Diagnostic X-Ray Generator
• Abdominal Ultrasonic Scanner
• Angiographic Catheter
• Angiographic Catheter Amplatz Left 1.0
• Angiographic Catheter, Angled Pigtail
• Angiographic Catheter, El Gamal Multipurpose
• Angiographic Catheter, El Gamal Sones
• Angiographic Catheter, Multipurpose El Gamal Curve
• Angiographic Catheter, Pigtail Diagnostic Catheters
• Angiographic Injector and Syringe (FDA Code: DXT / 870.1650)
An angiographic injector and syringe is a device that consists of a syringe and a high-pressure injector which are used to inject contrast material into the heart, great vessels, and coronary arteries to study the heart and vessels by x-ray photography.
• Angioplasty Guidewire
• Arterial Catheterization Kit
• Arterial Catheters
• Arthrogram Kit
• Automated Radioimmunoassay Chemistry Analyzer
• Automatic Radiographic Collimator (FDA Code: IZW / 892.1610)
A diagnostic x-ray beam-limiting device is a device such as a collimator, a cone, or an aperture intended to restrict the dimensions of a diagnostic x-ray field by limiting the size of the primary x-ray beam.
• Automatic Radiographic Film Processor (FDA Code: IXW / 892.1900)
An automatic radiographic film processor is a device intended to be used to develop, fix, wash, and dry automatically and continuously film exposed for medical purposes.
• Bench Mounted Hopper for X-Ray Film
• Blue Rare Earth X-Ray Film
• Breast Ultrasonic Scanner
• Brick X-Ray Shield
• CAT Computed Tomography Scanner
• Ceramic X-Ray Tubes
• Chest Diagnostic Radiographic Unit
• Cine/Spot Fluorographic X-Ray Camera (FDA Code: IZJ / 892.1620)
A cine or spot fluorographic x-ray camera is a device intended to photograph diagnostic images produced by x-rays with an image intensifier.
• Dental X-Ray Film
• Diagnostic X-Ray High Voltage Generator (FDA Code: IZO / 892.1700)
A diagnostic x-ray high voltage generator is a device that is intended to supply and control the electrical energy applied to a diagnostic x-ray tube for medical purposes. This generic type of device may include a converter that changes alternating current to direct current, filament transformers for the x-ray tube, high voltage switches, electrical protective devices, or other appropriate elements.
• Digital Radiographic Mobile X-Ray System
• Digital Radiographic Unit
• Digital Subtraction Angiographic (DSA) Radiographic Unit
• Dual-Lock Undertable X-Ray Shields
• Echoencephalograph (FDA Code: GXW / 882.1240)
An echoencephalograph is an ultrasonic scanning device (including A-scan, B-scan, and doppler systems) that uses noninvasive transducers for measuring intracranial interfaces and blood flow velocity to and in the head.
• El Gamal Angiographic Catheter
• Electrocardiograph (FDA Code: DPS / 870.2340)
An electrocardiograph is a device used to process the electrical signal transmitted through two or more electrocardiograph electrodes and to produce a visual display of the electrical signal produced by the heart.
• Fixed Diagnostic Radiographic Unit
• Fixed Radiographic/Fluoroscopic Unit
• Fluorescent Scanner (FDA Code: JAO / 892.1220)
A fluorescent scanner is a device intended to measure the induced fluorescent radiation in the body by exposing the body to certain x-rays or low-energy gamma rays. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts and accessories.
• Full Body X-Ray Computed Tomography Scanner
• Gastroenterographic Contrast Media
• General Purpose Electrosurgical Equipment
• Gonadal Shield (FDA Code: IWT / 892.6500)
A personnel protective shield is a device intended for medical purposes to protect the patient, the operator, or other persons from unnecessary exposure to radiation during radiologic procedures by providing an attenuating barrier to radiation. This generic type of device may include articles of clothing, furniture, and movable or stationary structures.
• Green Sensitive Rare Earth X-Ray Film
• Head X-Ray Computed Tomography Scanner
• Image-Intensified Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (FDA Code: JAA / 892.1650)
An image-intensified fluoroscopic x-ray system is a device intended to visualize anatomical structures by converting a pattern of x-radiation into a visible image through electronic amplification. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts, and accessories.
• Industrial X-Ray Tube
• Leaded X- Ray Protection Shield
• Mammographic X-Ray System (FDA Code: IZH / 892.1710)
A mammographic x-ray system is a device intended to be used to produce radiographs of the breast. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts, and accessories.
• Mobile C-Arm Radiographic/Fluoroscopic Unit
• Mobile Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (FDA Code: IZL / 892.1720)
A mobile x-ray system is a transportable device system intended to be used to generate and control x-ray for diagnostic procedures. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts, and accessories.
• Mobile Obstetrical/Gynecological Ultrasonic Scanner

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