
Metal/Polymer Porous-Coated Uncemented Unicompartmental/Unicondylar Semi-Constrained Femorotibial Knee Prosthesis Suppliers

  1 suppliers  
Zimmer Dental, Inc. | Address: 1900 Aston Ave., Carlsbad, California 92008, USA USA | Phone: +1-(760)-929-4300, 800-854-7019
FDA Registration: 2023141  Year Established: 1927  Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million  Employee Count: ~410  Quality: ISO 13485, CE Certified
Products: Forceps (FDA Code: HTD), Probes (FDA Code: HXB), Saws (FDA Code: HSO), Arthroscopes (FDA Code: HRX), Bone Hooks (FDA Code: KIK), Bone Rasps (FDA Code: HTR), ...
Zimmer Dental, Inc. specializes in dental implant products. Our product portfolio comprises of root-form endosseous dental implants, prosthetic attachments for restoration, surgical instrumentation, c more...
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  1 Metal/Polymer Porous-Coated Uncemented Unicompartmental/Unicondylar Semi-Constrained Femorotibial Knee Prosthesis suppliers  
FDA Code / Regulation: NJD / 888.3535

A knee joint femorotibial (uni-compartmental) metal/polymer porous-coated uncemented prosthesis is a device intended to be implanted to replace part of a knee joint. The device limits translation and rotation in one or more planes via the geometry of its articulating surface. It has no linkage across-the-joint. This generic type of device is designed to achieve biological fixation to bone without the use of bone cement. This identification includes fixed-bearing knee prostheses where the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene tibial bearing is rigidly secured to the metal tibial baseplate.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is FDA's guidance: "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Knee Joint Patellofemorotibial and Femorotibial Metal/Polymer Porous-Coated Uncemented Prostheses; Guidance for Industry and FDA." See 888.1 for the availability of this guidance.

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