
Metallic Bone Fixation Staple Suppliers

  1 suppliers  
Solbrondt Llc | Address: 8572 Nw 93rd St, Doral, Florida 33166, USA USA
Products: Drill Bit (FDA Code: HTW), Bone Taps (FDA Code: HWX), Bender (FDA Code: HXW), Bone Fixation Plate (FDA Code: HRS), Bone Fixation Screw (FDA Code: HWC), Condylar Plate Fixation Device Implant (FDA Code: JDP), ...
Solbrondt Llc provides bone fixation plate & screw, orthopedic needle holder, impactor and metallic smooth fixation pin. more...
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  1 Metallic Bone Fixation Staple suppliers  
FDA Code / Regulation: NDI / 888.3030

Single/multiple component metallic bone fixation appliances and accessories are devices intended to be implanted consisting of one or more metallic components and their metallic fasteners. The devices contain a plate, a nail/plate combination, or a blade/plate combination that are made of alloys, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum, stainless steel, and titanium, that are intended to be held in position with fasteners, such as screws and nails, or bolts, nuts, and washers. These devices are used for fixation of fractures of the proximal or distal end of long bones, such as intracapsular, intertrochanteric, intercervical, supracondylar, or condylar fractures of the femur; for fusion of a joint; or for surgical procedures that involve cutting a bone. The devices may be implanted or attached through the skin so that a pulling force (traction) may be applied to the skeletal system.

Classification. Class II.

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