
Metallic Fixation Cerclage Suppliers

  1 suppliers  
Signal Medical Corp. | Address: 400 Pyramid Dr., Marysville, Michigan 48040, USA USA | Phone: +1-(810)-364-7070 800-246-6324
FDA Registration: 1836001
Products: Hip Positioner Systems, Surgical Retractor Systems (FDA Code: GAD), Rib Rongeurs (FDA Code: HTX), Cancellous Bone Screw, Hip Products, Osteogators, Bipolar Femoral Heads, ...
Signal Medical Corp. manufactures orthopedic surgical appliances. Our product area includes hip products, knee products, cable systems and instrumentation. The Micro Seal® acetabular component sea more...
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  1 Metallic Fixation Cerclage suppliers  
FDA Code / Regulation: NDD / 888.3010

A bone fixation cerclage is a device intended to be implanted that is made of alloys, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum, and that consists of a metallic ribbon or flat sheet or a wire. The device is wrapped around the shaft of a long bone, anchored to the bone with wire or screws, and used in the fixation of fractures.

Classification. Class II.

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