 Titanium Micro Needleholders Suppliers > Midwest Orthotic Services, LLC

Midwest Orthotic Services, LLC

Address: 17530 Dugdale Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46635, USA
Phone: +1-(574)-233-3352, 866-316-1312 | Fax: +1-(574)-288-1514 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Midwest Orthotic Services, LLC specializes in orthotic and pedorthic healthcare. We provide all types of orthotic services. Our services include specialized pediatric services, custom bracing, prefabricated bracing, mobile laboratory, pedorthic services, shoe modifications and custom compression hose. Our durable medical equipment department serves the requirements of those with long term disability needs. Our pedorthics department is a good source for any patient needing foot care involving shoes and inserts.

FDA Registration Number: 3003895329

11 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Ankle Braces & Supports
• Ankle Foot Orthosis
• Bone Growth Stimulators
• Braces
• Braces & Orthoses
• Cranial Orthosis (FDA Code: MVA / 882.5970)
A cranial orthosis is a device that is intended for medical purposes to apply pressure to prominent regions of an infant's cranium in order to improve cranial symmetry and/or shape in infants from 3 to 18 months of age, with moderate to severe nonsynostotic positional plagiocephaly, including infants with plagiocephalic-, brachycephalic-, and scaphocephalic-shaped heads.
• Elbow Braces & Supports
• Foot Braces
• Limb Brace Orthosis (FDA Code: IQI / 890.3475)
A limb orthosis (brace) is a device intended for medical purposes that is worn on the upper or lower extremities to support, to correct, or to prevent deformities or to align body structures for functional improvement. Examples of limb orthoses include the following: A whole limb and joint brace, a hand splint, an elastic stocking, a knee cage, and a corrective shoe.
• Soft Rib Fracture Orthosis (FDA Code: IPX / 890.3490)
A truncal orthosis is a device intended for medical purposes to support or to immobilize fractures, strains, or sprains of the neck or trunk of the body. Examples of truncal orthoses are the following: Abdominal, cervical, cervical-thoracic, lumbar, lumbo-sacral, rib fracture, sacroiliac, and thoracic orthoses and clavicle splints.
• Thoracic Orthosis, Brace (FDA Code: IPT / 890.3490)

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