
Mission Pharmacal Company

Address: 10999 IH 10 West, Suite 1000, San Antonio, Texas 78230-1355, USA
Phone: +1-(210)-696-8400 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Mission Pharmacal Company offers pharmaceutical products. Our product line includes Tindamax, Ferralet 90, CitraNatal, urocit K, and Thera-Gesic. We offer Tindamax® (tinidazole), a second-generation nitroimidazole. It is an antiprotozoal drug which is used to treat certain types of parasitic infections, including the sexually transmitted disease (STD) trichomoniasis, also known as trich. Tindamax is also indicated to treat the intestinal parasitic infections such as giardiasis and amebiasis, as well as amebic liver infections. Our CitraNatal vitamins are specially formulated for many women who require nutritional support prior to conception, throughout pregnancy, and during the postnatal period. Our Urocit-K's wax-matrix delivery system provides a slow, sustained release of medication which allows for convenient dosing, less gastrointestinal upset, and enhanced patient compliance.

The company was founded in 1946, has revenues of USD 50-100 Million, has ~110 employees and is CE certified.

FDA Registration Number: 1611748

41 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adhesive Elastic Bandage Tape
• Adhesive Elastic Stretch Tape
• Adhesive Silk Tape
• Adhesive, Waterproof Tape
• Analgesics
• Analgesics
• Analgesics
• Antibiotics & Antibacterials
• Antibiotics & Antimicrobials
• Athletic Cloth Tape
• Athletic Elastic Wraps and Tapes
• Cotton Umbilical Tape
• Cystine Chromatographic Test (FDA Code: JLD / 862.1240)
A cystine test system is a device intended to measure the amino acid cystine in urine. Cystine measurements are used in the diagnosis of cystinuria (occurrence of cystine in urine). Patients with cystinuria frequently develop kidney calculi (stones).
• First Aid and Protective Gear Tape Removers
• General Medical Supplies
• Internal Analgesics
• Latex Free Cotton Adhesive Elastic Tape
• Latex Free Waterproof Adhesive Tape
• Mechanical/Hydraulic Impotence Device (FDA Code: FHW / 876.3350)
A penile inflatable implant is a device that consists of two inflatable cylinders implanted in the penis, connected to a reservoir filled with radiopaque fluid implanted in the abdomen, and a subcutaneous manual pump implanted in the scrotum. When the cylinders are inflated, they provide rigidity to the penis. This device is used in the treatment of erectile impotence.
• Medical Adhesive Tape Removers
• Medical Tape
• Micropore Tape
• Non-Porous Cloth Athletic Tape
• Nonnarcotic Analgesics
• Nonsterile Umbilical Tapes
• Obstetrical Instruments Umbilical Tapes
• Oral Analgesics
• Patient Lubricant (FDA Code: KMJ / 880.6375)
A patient lubricant is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to lubricate a body orifice to facilitate entry of a diagnostic or therapeutic device.
• Pharmaceutical Items
• Pharmaceuticals
• Porous Cloth Athletic Tape
• Self Adhesive Silk Tape
• Sterile Umbilical Tapes
• Surface Disinfectants
• Tape
• Tape Adherents Removers
• Tape Adhesive Plastic
• Tape, Medical Bandage
• Tightening Umbilical Tapes
• Urinary Calculi Qualitative Chemical Reactions Test (FDA Code: JNQ / 862.1780)
A urinary calculi (stones) test system is a device intended for the analysis of urinary calculi. Analysis of urinary calculi is used in the diagnosis and treatment of calculi of the urinary tract.
• Vitamins & Minerals (Pediatric/Adult)

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