 Hemostatic Gels Suppliers > Morrison Medical

Morrison Medical

Contact: Barbara Wayman - Director
Address: 3735 Paragon Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43228, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-438-6677 | Fax: +1-(614)-469-9696 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Morrison Medical is a manufacturer of medical supplies specializing in EMS. Our Patho-Shield plastic straps are 100% impervious to contamination. Our products include straps, splints, soft stretchers, first aid kits, IV armboards, sand bags, cervical collars and cold packs. We also offer screen printing on our straps and various other medical products. Our Perry Pouch is a sit stretcher designed to cinch around the patient for easier yet safer transport. Our Koolaburn® sterile burn dressings cool by evaporation. The soft gel, comprised of 96% water in a base fabric of polished non-woven polyester, draws heat away from the burn providing a cooling effect which lasts for up to eight hours. With no need for refrigeration, they are ready to use instantly and will help prevent further spread of the burn while helping to relieve pain.

45 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adhesive Bandage Strip
• Aluminum Finger Splints
• Ammonia Inhalant Pad
• Ankle/Foot Restraint
• Antiseptic Wipes
• Arm Boards
• Arm Slings (FDA Code: ILI / 890.3640)
An arm sling is a device intended for medical purposes to immobilize the arm, by means of a fabric band suspended from around the neck.
• Backboard Straps
• Backboards
• Cervical Collars
• Cervical Immobilizer
• Cervical Neck Collar
• Cervical Orthosis (FDA Code: IQK / 890.3490)
A truncal orthosis is a device intended for medical purposes to support or to immobilize fractures, strains, or sprains of the neck or trunk of the body. Examples of truncal orthoses are the following: Abdominal, cervical, cervical-thoracic, lumbar, lumbo-sacral, rib fracture, sacroiliac, and thoracic orthoses and clavicle splints.
• Cold Splints
• Collars
• Disposable Armboards
• Emergency Stretcher
• Expendable Splints
• External Non-Inflatable Extremity Splint (FDA Code: FYH / 878.3910)
A noninflatable extremity splint is a device intended to immobilize a limb or an extremity. It is not inflatable.
• General Medical Supplies
• Hand and Thumb Splints
• Neck Collars
• Non-Powered Traction Apparatus (FDA Code: HST / 888.5850)
A nonpowered orthopedic traction apparatus is a device that consists of a rigid frame with nonpowered traction accessories, such as cords, pulleys, or weights, and that is intended to apply a therapeutic pulling force to the skeletal system.
• Ortho Splints Walkers
• Orthopedic Cervical Collars
• Orthopedic Traction Frame
• Orthoplast Splints For Hummers
• Orthoses, Humeral Splints
• Plastic Splints
• Prefabricated thumb splints
• Protective Restraint (FDA Code: FMQ / 880.6760)
A protective restraint is a device, including but not limited to a wristlet, anklet, vest, mitt, straight jacket, body/limb holder, or other type of strap, that is intended for medical purposes and that limits the patient's movements to the extent necessary for treatment, examination, or protection of the patient or others.
• Rehabilitation Braces & Collars
• Restraining Strap
• Sit Stretcher
• Soft Stretchers
• Splints
• Stack Finger Splints
• Sterile Arm Board with Cover (FDA Code: BTX / 878.3910)
• Straps, Slings & Immobilizers
• Stretcher Straps
• Thermoplastic Thumb Splints
• Traction Head Halter (FDA Code: IRS / 890.5925)
A traction accessory is a nonpowered accessory device intended for medical purposes to be used with powered traction equipment to aid in exerting therapeutic pulling forces on the patient's body. This generic type of device includes the pulley, strap, head halter, and pelvic belt.
• Traction Splint (FDA Code: HSP / 888.5890)
A noninvasive traction component is a device, such as a head halter, pelvic belt, or a traction splint, that does not penetrate the skin and is intended to assist in connecting a patient to a traction apparatus so that a therapeutic pulling force may be applied to the patient's body.
• Water Resistant Finger Splints
• Wrist/Hand Restraint

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