Address: 76825 Jessie Romig Dr., Grosse Tete, Louisiana 70740, USA
www.ophthalmicsurgical.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(225)-921-0971
Products: Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code:
HNW), Trabeculotome (FDA Code:
HMZ), Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code:
HOE), Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code:
HNF), Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code:
HMX), ...
Ophthalmic Surgical LLC is engaged in the production of surgical instruments. Our products include calipers and gauges, cannulas, DCR instruments, diamond knives, enucleation & evisceration instrument